Friday, February 28, 2020

Ulithi--U.S. News

Lt. (j.g.) Gilbert Steingart
U.S.S. Ocelot, F.P.O. San Francisco
Friday 9 March 1945, 7:10 PM
My Dearest,
     Hello Sweet, how are you tonight? Today has been an easy one for a change. Saw a few patients in the morning and had some broken appointments, so I wrote letters to Bob and Uncle Mike. Tomorrow I'll write Willie and several others that I owe letters to. By Sunday I should be all caught up.
     After lunch I got the sun for forty-five minutes and had just gotten comfortable in my room to censor some mail when I was called down to my office. I had three emergency patients from another ship and had to take care of them.
     When I was through I sat in on some more of the court marshal and because of its interesting matter I stayed on until the final verdict was given. Then I returned to my room finished my censoring, showered and read the Post until 5:30 when I dressed and went up for chow.
     After eating we stood up on deck and enjoyed the gentle ocean breeze and pretty sunset and here I am.
     The movie tonight is "Winged Victory" and is rated as very good, guess I'll go.
     The mail brought two letters from you and a card from my mother. We haven't had much rain lately but I see you have. Enjoyed the publicity clipping you sent. I thought you said your picture was to be run with it or is that something else?
     I'm glad you are getting the suit you wanted. You sounded so disappointed in your last letter.
     In Pearl Harbor, I began "Earth and High Heaven" in the Collier's magazine. It was run serially and I never did get past the first installment although I did try to get the following issues. No luck! Maybe I'll get hold of the book because I did want to read it.
     You and Nina are carrying on a regular correspondence. Well she was nice to us and I think you enjoy writing to her so go to it.
     All the appendectomies have been successful though some of them weren't very simple. Outside of minor stuff that is all the surgery that is attempted. Other types are usually not emergent and are referred back to a base hospital or hospital ship.
     The heat rash is all gone so forget about it. I knew I shouldn't have mentioned it but I was just making conversation.
     Who am I to disagree with U.S. News? Yet I don't believe the Japs will fight to the bitter end like the Germans are. The Nazis have nothing to lose. The Japs, on the other hand, could give up all the conquered land and still have their home industries and cities intact. Surrendering their fleet would be giving up something they haven't much of anymore. Peace terms keeping them down to a fourth rate power wouldn't have to be so harsh as with the Germans. Anyway that's my opinion and I'm stuck with it until we see what really happens.
     I'm very happy to hear all is quiet and serene on the home front. Keep the home fires burning honey and don't let things get you down.
Loving you always,

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Ulithi--Engineer Fell Down a Ladder

Lt. (j.g.) Gilbert Steingart
U.S.S. Ocelot, F.P.O. San Francisco
Thursday 8 March 1945, 10:15 PM
My Darling,
     This is the end of another busy day. Worked all morning again and it was 11:45 before I was through.
     After lunch I relaxed and read the morning's mail. I got four letters from you postmarked February 8, 10 and two on the 28th. I also got a short note from Leon.
     At one o'clock I went down and sat in on a court marshal. At two I had my wardroom mess statement audited, after which I returned to the court marshal. However it was too hot so at three I gave up and came topside.
     Then I went to my room and read until 5:30 when I showered and dressed for dinner. I was tired all afternoon and finally decided that the shot I got this morning that the shot I got this morning (yes, another one) must be giving me a mild reaction. Oh well in the morning I'll probably wake up fresh as a daisy.
     The movie tonight was "A Song to Remember" with Paul Muni and Merle Oberon and is a story of the short but productive life (musically speaking) of Frederick Chopin. You must see it if you haven't already.
     Excuse me for a minute. Somebody fell on his face and I've got to go.
     Well, all is well that ends well. The chief engineer fell down a ladder in the engine room and hit his jaw. However X-rays show no break so outside of a sore face for a couple of days he'll be OK.
     Now your letter. The 8th and 10th are about Mary and Willie and I've said my piece about them. I do hope she either quits taking poison and then changing her mind or takes something quick acting and gets it over with. Callous aren't I? Yet I don't know why they bring all their troubles to you. I don't like it. I see you are teaching again. Well after a week's layoff you're probably glad to be called again and the color of the money looks good too, I'll bet.
     I owe the lodge a letter. Joe Orenstein wrote me and I'll answer through him. On second thought I'll write him and the lodge as well. Last night I dropped a line to Marty and Ruby but I bet I don't hear from them for a long time.
     Glad to hear you are active as program chairman for the Auxiliary. I am looking forward to the clippings you say are coming.
I liked the poetry of Sara Teasdale. More please! Don't send any funny papers somehow I didn't enjoy them as much as I thought I would.
     Glad to hear you're getting all dolled up. It'll give you a lift and believe me I can tell just how you feel by just reading your letters.
     So darling, no more for tonight. If I was home now we would both have a "nite nite snack" after the movie. I feel like it. Then to bed, listening to the radio---?
     Good night Sweetheart until tomorrow.

Saturday, February 22, 2020


Lt. (j.g.) Gilbert Steingart
U.S.S. Ocelot, F.P.O. San Francisco
Wednesday 7 March 1945, 7:00 PM
Dearest Eleanor,
     This has been another busy day. I saw seven patients in the morning. When I was through it was 11:45 AM. The score was eighteen fillings and three extractions.
     After lunch I censored some mail and then returned to my office to see a couple more patients. Then I went up on the poop deck and enjoyed the sun for forty-five minutes.
     After that I went to my room and visited with a chaplain who came on board for the day. Then I spent an hour or so mounting snapshots in the album the Goodfriends sent. The first thing I knew it was 5:15, so I showered and dressed for dinner.
     After dinner we enjoyed the cool breezes on the bridge deck and looked for a pretty sunset, but there were many clouds on the horizon and it didn't pan out. Now, here I am.
     There was no mail today. If there had been some I'd have been surprised because I've been real lucky of late. Come to think of it I was lucky when I married my loving correspondent and that luck has stayed with me all these years.
     The movie last night "The Angels Sing" was very good and though I thought I'd seen it I really hadn't. Tonight's movie is "Something for the Boys" with Carmen Miranda and Michael O'Shea. It is rated as being very good.
     Honey, that is all there is for today. I wish there were some new encouraging scuttlebutt about me coming home or something but there isn't a damn thing worth talking about.
     So--good night my love, I'll see you in my dreams (I hope).
Loving you always,

Snapshot album

Thursday, February 13, 2020


Lt. (j.g.) Gilbert Steingart
U.S.S. Ocelot, F.P.O. San Francisco
Saturday 3 February 1945, 10:15 P.M.
Dearest Eleanor,
     Just got back from the movies. We had "The Thin Man Comes Home" with William Powell and Myrna Loy. It was pretty good. Last night's "Carolina Blues" was very poor but it did help pass a couple of hours what with shorts and such.
     Today was an unusually hot day with very little breeze to make it comfortable. Did very little work this morning. Was standing by for inspection. However I made up for it this afternoon by seeing six patients.
     Was through with work around four. Had a cold, refreshing "coke" and then retired to my room, stripped down to my "skivvies" and read a little from "Fountainhead." Soon it was 5:15 P.M. and time to shower and dress for dinner.
     After eating I indulged in the usual routine of enjoying the cool evening breeze on the bridge deck, but not for long. Soon it began to rain so I had to go below deck for shelter.
     I'm enclosing a valentine (?) someone dreamed up. But the sentiment is way off the beam. Do you think so? Well anyway! Add it to your collection.
     The mail brought me just one letter, a note from my mother mailed the 26th. Besides all the packages I'm expecting, I'm missing letters of the 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 24th. I'll probably get them very soon now (I hope).
     Nothing new out here. However the war news is most encouraging on both fronts. It does look that there is a good chance of a sudden collapse in Germany. As far as Japan is concerned, I wouldn't be surprised to see her surrender once the Philippines have been completely retaken. Japan has much to gain by an early surrender and thus preserve her industry in Japan proper. Then she can hope for a comeback and another try again in 25-50 years just as Germany did after the First World War. However I do hope that this time we'll win the peace as well as the war and give neither Germany nor Japan the chance to become strong enough to wage war again.
     We've been at this place a lot longer now than I'd ever expected. I do hope that we get out of here before the real hot weather sets in. However no one tells me anything. We could leave tomorrow or six weeks from now and then again we could stay here until June or July. Who knows?
     Oh well, everyday is that much closer to my homecoming and the end of the war. One thing I'm pretty sure of now. When I do get back to the states, I'll never have to leave you again.
     I'm all run out now Sweet, so I'll sign off with love and kisses to all my girls. Good night and pleasant dreams.

Valentine (?) someone dreamed up

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Ulithi--Daddy Again

6 March 1945
Dearest Linda and Norma,
     Hello kids, here is your Daddy again. Linda dear, I got a very sweet card from you today and I did enjoy receiving it.
     Linda. The little fairy told me that you don't suck a "pitty" anymore and that you have been a very good girl and I'm glad to hear it.
     Norma. Mommy tells me you are talking very well now. Well, when I get home we'll have a real talk. Just you and I.
     I want you both to continue being good kiddies and help mother keep things nice and straight around the house. Are you still picking everything up when you are through playing or do you forget and leave your toys lying around? Just continue picking stuff up and when you birthdays come I'll have real surprises for both of you.
     I'll say goodbye for now and will write again real soon.

Linda and Norma
March 1945

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Ulithi--5 Patients

Lt. (j.g.) Gilbert Steingart
U.S.S. Ocelot, F.P.O. San Francisco
Tuesday 6 March 1945, 7:10 PM
Dearest Eleanor,
     I really worked this morning. I only saw five patients but the count for the morning was fourteen fillings and three extractions. Besides that there were a couple examinations and a denture adjustment thrown in.
     I hit the jackpot this morning. I got nine letters and a card from you, a card from Linda, and a letter from Ruth. I also got a snapshot album from the Goodfriends and a can of almond butter crunch from Deb and Dave. The album is very nice and covered with tan leather. The candy is delicious and is practically gone. Everyone enjoyed it.
     This afternoon I attended to my Mother's Day shopping. Saw two more patients and then got forty-five minutes of sun. After that I had my hair cut, returned to my room and censored some mail. By then it was 5:15 so I showered and dressed for dinner. After chow we enjoyed the cool breezes and the usual pretty sunset and here I am.
     Honey, I know you are busy and if you don't get a letter off right on time don't let it worry you. I still have the sweetest, truest, most loving wife of any man aboard and I will understand.
     I'm glad you enjoyed the ballet and it's a date for next season--just you and I.
     It is swell about Deb and Dave. Whether it's an accident or intentional I know they'll be happier for it in years to come. Yes dear it is their show and none of your business anymore than it was theirs when you were infanticipating.
     Honey your outlook on life bothers me. You hate to see anyone happy or making money and seem to delight when upsetting things happen to others. I know they say "misery loves company," but you never were that way. When I come back I want you to be as I knew you, a lovely gal with a great big heart.          Please understand Dear that what I'm saying is not a reproval but rather that you were so much happier with your previous attitude. I won't say anymore about it, but please snap out of it.
     Unless he is very careful about the care of his feet, Dick's athlete's foot business will be recurring as long as he's in the Army. We have it aboard and it's a "bitch" to cure.
     I'm placing the bag and bracelets on my list. Hope we get to somewhere that I may be able to buy some more novelties.
     The donations to the center fund are very heartwarming. It is an important project and will do our community more good than any temple ever did or will. I'm just sorry that some of the diehards won't quit and continue to block any attempt to accomplish anything worthwhile.
     The movie tonight is "The Angels Sing," with McMurray, Dorothy Lamour and Betty Hutton. It's 4.0.
     I'm all run out for now so I'll sign off. Goodnight Sweetheart and pleasant dreams.

Snapshot album from the Goodfriends 

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Ulithi--Dr. Travis

Lt. (j.g.) Gilbert Steingart
U.S.S. Ocelot, F.P.O. San Francisco
Monday, 5 March 1945, 9:50 PM
My Darling,
     How is my Sweet tonight? How's about a kiss? Gee thanks. I'll take a rain check on that one too.
     Had a full morning booked with patients from another ship, but they didn't show so I had the morning to myself. Just chased around doing little things but nothing to talk about.
     After lunch I saw a couple of patients. Then a Dr. Travis from another ship came over. We got a party together and went ashore for a few drinks. We got back to the ship about 5:00 PM feeling pretty good.
     I showered and changed for dinner. I invited the doctor to be my guest but the guy was pretty high and couldn't eat. After chow I took him down to sick bay and got him to take a cold shower and drink some coffee. I tried to get him to stay till morning but he insisted on returning to his ship. So I got a boat and took him back. Returned just in time for movies.
     The picture was a repeat "The Very Thought of You" with Dennis Morgan, but I enjoyed it anyway.
     No mail again today. Guess another stack will accumulate before I receive more. Then I'll have a gala day reading letters from my Sweetheart
     Nothing new or different Honey. I have a big stack of mail to censor as soon as I'm finished here. And then I'm going to bed and dream about us.
     Good night my darling, gosh but I feel loving tonight and not a damn thing I can do about it.
Yours always,

Monday, February 3, 2020


Lt. (j.g.) Gilbert Steingart
U.S.S. Ocelot, F.P.O. San Francisco
Sunday 4 March 1945, 7:30 PM
Dearest Eleanor,
     Just a nice quiet Sunday for a change. Saw a couple of patients this morning and was through for the day. No emergency calls so nothing to do.
     I've been trying to figure out how I got the box of fruits and nuts so quickly and have decided that it was because you insured it. It came in perfect condition and so quick, too.
     Did lots of reading today but really nothing but trash. I'll settle down to some serious reading one of these days but the way I've been reading in five to fifteen minute snatches there just isn't any use at present.
     I really can't figure where the time went today because I didn't do much. I read in the afternoon, censored a stack of mail, showered and dressed for dinner. We had turkey with all the trimmings tonight. Delicious.
     After dinner we enjoyed a most beautiful awe inspiring sunset. We had an array of colors ranging from a yellow on down the spectrum to a reddish-purple and then grey. Well, there will come a day when we'll enjoy such beauties of nature together and I know my pleasure and enjoyment of such spectacles will be trebled.
     Tonight's movie is in Technicolor, "Virginia" with Madeline Carroll and Fred McMurray and is rated as very good.
     There was no mail today so no more of my interesting (?) remarks. I've really been fortunate about mail even if there are some packages missing. They may still show up. People at home can't realize what letters mean to our boys. If only they could read their letters as censors do--then many would write more often.
     Well Sweetheart, that is thirty for tonight. Bye and pleasant dreams
Loving you always,