Lt. (j.g.) Gilbert Steingart
U.S.S. Ocelot, F.P.O. San Francisco
Thursday 5 June 1945, 10:30 PM
Dearest Eleanor,Thursday 5 June 1945, 10:30 PM
Hello Honey, here I am again. Nothing exciting today. Worked all morning and though I could have gone on liberty this afternoon, I didn't. Instead I finished another one of the gadgets. Now Linda's and Norma's are finished but what I'm making for you isn't. I should finish up this week and I'll send a box of stuff home.
Late this afternoon I censored a stack of mail and just as I finished I received two letters from you and one from Herman Stein. Your letters were old ones and rather short so there is little to comment on. I read over the clipping about the $2,500 fine against the Ocean Park Boxing Arena. The story isn't all there, so I couldn't tell what it was all about.
We had a pretty good movie tonight, "Dangerous Passage," with unknown leads but still a good picture. However it isn't your type so don't bother seeing it. It's an adventure story with murder, shipwreck and grand larceny all in one.
The promotion ALNAV is not out yet but there is scuttlebutt out that from now on promotions will be few and far between. From what I could learn the Navy is reverting to the plan the Army used early in the war. If a ship calls for a j.g. or a limit in a certain job, an officer cannot be promoted past that rank unless he gets a change of duty. However I'll wait and see what it's all about. If it is so, I may get a change of duty sudden-like. If I don't I'll write in asking for one. In the meantime keep your fingers crossed.
No more for now Sweet, so I'll sign off. Love and kisses to you and our girls.
Yours forever,
Gil aboard the U.S.S.Ocelot