14 October 1945, 10:25 PM
Dearest Eleanor,Just got back from the show. We had a USO show and the movie, "The Princess and the Bellboy." We did see the picture more or less recently, but it did help the time pass. The USO show was just fair, but all the men out here liked it. Why? Just women!
Today was very uneventful. I loafed around and then took a ride in a jeep. Before we leave it looks like we'll still have to decommission the "Mighty O" and salvage whatever equipment that can be saved. Hope we can finish the job in a couple of weeks, but if not it won't take much longer. Then it should be homeward bound for all of us.
All the officers that are with the men in this camp are taking turns standing watch. Tonight, I have the midnight to 4:00 AM watch. We only have one four hour watch in each forty-eight hour period. My next one will run from 8:00 PM to midnight, so I'm sure I won't overwork.
Tomorrow morning I'm going over to a neighboring CB camp and visit the two dentists there. Maybe I can make arrangements for me to take care of some of our men there. Anyway that is my idea.
Don't know how my mail is getting out, but I do hope it won't be held up much. News reports have gotten out about the damage from the typhoon. I hope that you got my letters in time so you didn't have to worry.
I'm going to close now and catch an hour's shuteye before I go on watch. Goodnight Dear, I'll see you in my dreams.