Lt. (j.g.) Gilbert Steingart
U.S.S. Ocelot, FPO San Francisco
Tuesday 28 November 1944, 9:40 PM
Dearest Eleanor,
Happy Birthday Darling. Although I wasn't able to be with you, I did think about you all day long.
Today was another busy day. I worked in my office all day or should I say all morning and part of the afternoon. However I was all cleaned up by 2:30 so I wangled a boat from the exec and four of us went ashore for a few beers at the Officers' Club. We got back at 5:00 had dinner at 5:30 and then checkers until 7:30, movie time. Tonight we had "Lucky Jordon" with Alan Ladd. The last time I saw it you were at Arrowhead, remember. You didn't want to see any gangster movies so I took it in at that time.
Now back to your letters. I really would like some more recent photos of the kids. I'll really look forward to getting them. The music you sent was swell and several numbers are just what I wanted. Haven't done a thing with the piano. It's kept in the crew's mess hall and it seems that they are always eating up or cleaning up there. Besides I don't have as much time as you think. As a matter of fact this is the first moment today when there wasn't something for me to do.
Who said your pictures aren't up in my room? You hold the center spot amongst my pin-up girls and believe me yours is still my favorite. Norma and Linda, Dick and Babs grace another wall so at least I can see some of my family when I'm in my room.
About the car scratches. I believe that our insurance covers that without any additional payments. Check it and if so have the car fixed up. However if it is necessary to pay additional money let it ride till later.
Wish I could see you in your new dress or even without any clothes. Who said we'd be going out? I've got other ideas.
I see you're still talking about Brentwood. Well everything comes with time. Just take it easy and don't get excited. There'll be plenty of lots and oodles of time to buy them before building materials become available.
I'm getting caught up with my correspondence. Recently I've written to Ruth, your mother, my mother, Deb and Dave, the Fleischers, the Leavys, Libby and Jack Taylor. I still owe several more and it doesn't look like I'll ever catch up.
Dear, sell the wolf jacket if you like. After all it's yours and if you can't enjoy it you might as well have the money to get something you can enjoy.
So Sol got "new construction." That seems to be the desire of all officers and men overseas--to go back to the states for new construction. Who knows where our paths may cross, Sol's and mine? This is really a small world as I've had opportunities to observe.
Yes dear I know what things cost but you're just beginning to find out. Now you know why I used to fuss at times about economizing. Now you know for yourself.
Talking about Xmas and picture puzzles. In my gear locker, I have twenty crossword puzzles. I must break them out for the men. I've also been thinking about Xmas but so far my mind is a total blank. I'm going to scout around for ideas.
So it's still raining? Well it is out here too. As a matter of fact it rained during the movie and I'm still pretty wet. However that does help in keeping cool so why change.
"Strange Fruit" is aboard and I'm going to read it as soon as it's available. They tell me it's "plenty hot."
There was no mail today but who am I to complain after all I got yesterday?
Just the same I hope the mail man favors me tomorrow. You'll never know how much I look to hearing from my Sweetheart.
Sweet, do you remember the "Captain" story and the ideas we got from it? Better brush up on it for when I get back--or don't you need any brushing up?
Really dear, I'm all writ out. So--good night my love with a thousand kisses and nice close hugs from your loving husband to his birthday gal.
Happy Birthday Darling. Although I wasn't able to be with you, I did think about you all day long.
Today was another busy day. I worked in my office all day or should I say all morning and part of the afternoon. However I was all cleaned up by 2:30 so I wangled a boat from the exec and four of us went ashore for a few beers at the Officers' Club. We got back at 5:00 had dinner at 5:30 and then checkers until 7:30, movie time. Tonight we had "Lucky Jordon" with Alan Ladd. The last time I saw it you were at Arrowhead, remember. You didn't want to see any gangster movies so I took it in at that time.
Now back to your letters. I really would like some more recent photos of the kids. I'll really look forward to getting them. The music you sent was swell and several numbers are just what I wanted. Haven't done a thing with the piano. It's kept in the crew's mess hall and it seems that they are always eating up or cleaning up there. Besides I don't have as much time as you think. As a matter of fact this is the first moment today when there wasn't something for me to do.
Who said your pictures aren't up in my room? You hold the center spot amongst my pin-up girls and believe me yours is still my favorite. Norma and Linda, Dick and Babs grace another wall so at least I can see some of my family when I'm in my room.
About the car scratches. I believe that our insurance covers that without any additional payments. Check it and if so have the car fixed up. However if it is necessary to pay additional money let it ride till later.
Wish I could see you in your new dress or even without any clothes. Who said we'd be going out? I've got other ideas.
I see you're still talking about Brentwood. Well everything comes with time. Just take it easy and don't get excited. There'll be plenty of lots and oodles of time to buy them before building materials become available.
I'm getting caught up with my correspondence. Recently I've written to Ruth, your mother, my mother, Deb and Dave, the Fleischers, the Leavys, Libby and Jack Taylor. I still owe several more and it doesn't look like I'll ever catch up.
Dear, sell the wolf jacket if you like. After all it's yours and if you can't enjoy it you might as well have the money to get something you can enjoy.
So Sol got "new construction." That seems to be the desire of all officers and men overseas--to go back to the states for new construction. Who knows where our paths may cross, Sol's and mine? This is really a small world as I've had opportunities to observe.
Yes dear I know what things cost but you're just beginning to find out. Now you know why I used to fuss at times about economizing. Now you know for yourself.
Talking about Xmas and picture puzzles. In my gear locker, I have twenty crossword puzzles. I must break them out for the men. I've also been thinking about Xmas but so far my mind is a total blank. I'm going to scout around for ideas.
So it's still raining? Well it is out here too. As a matter of fact it rained during the movie and I'm still pretty wet. However that does help in keeping cool so why change.
"Strange Fruit" is aboard and I'm going to read it as soon as it's available. They tell me it's "plenty hot."
There was no mail today but who am I to complain after all I got yesterday?
Just the same I hope the mail man favors me tomorrow. You'll never know how much I look to hearing from my Sweetheart.
Sweet, do you remember the "Captain" story and the ideas we got from it? Better brush up on it for when I get back--or don't you need any brushing up?
Really dear, I'm all writ out. So--good night my love with a thousand kisses and nice close hugs from your loving husband to his birthday gal.
With loving thoughts
Can't See Scratches on the Buick
Eleanor and Norma in Front of Ruth and Harry's House

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