Lt. (j.g.) Gilbert Steingart
U.S.S. Ocelot, F.P.O. San Francisco
Saturday 3 March 1945, 7:30 PM
Dearest Eleanor,
Hello Darling, here I am again. Awoke this morning at 7:45 feeling swell. Had my usual juice and coffee for breakfast and so to work.
I had a busy morning and it was 11:40 AM before I was through with work. Lunch is at 11:45. After eating I took it easy for awhile on the poop deck and got some more sun. I'm sure getting tanned. Soon I'll look like some of those natives you've seen in the movies.
At 1:00 PM I returned to my room and just read until 1:30 when I had another appointment. When I cleaned up my work I returned to my room and censored some mail.
Today's mail brought a letter from your mother, a card from you written at Rene and Jean, a 5th District Dental Bulletin. The box of fruit you sent came in perfect shape. I know I'm going to enjoy it.
It was 3:30 PM when one of the officers said he had a boat alongside which was going to the recreation island. How about joining the party? It took me two minutes to change shoes and cap and away we went. I had a few beers, picked up some more shells and got back to the ship at 6:00 PM, just in time to eat dinner.
After chow I showered. After getting cleaned up, I dressed and went topside to enjoy a very pretty sunset. Then I went below for a cup of coffee and watch a crap game but they couldn't quite "seduce" me because it was time for our daily visit and here I am.
Last night's movie, Carol Lombard and Robert Montgomery in "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" was old but I couldn't remember having seen it and I enjoyed every moment of it. Tonight's movie is "Nevada" (with a bunch of unknowns) and several short subjects. Guess I'll go anyway.
Time to go now Sweetheart, so good night and pleasant dreams. Love and kisses with a few hugs thrown in.
Hello Darling, here I am again. Awoke this morning at 7:45 feeling swell. Had my usual juice and coffee for breakfast and so to work.
I had a busy morning and it was 11:40 AM before I was through with work. Lunch is at 11:45. After eating I took it easy for awhile on the poop deck and got some more sun. I'm sure getting tanned. Soon I'll look like some of those natives you've seen in the movies.
At 1:00 PM I returned to my room and just read until 1:30 when I had another appointment. When I cleaned up my work I returned to my room and censored some mail.
Today's mail brought a letter from your mother, a card from you written at Rene and Jean, a 5th District Dental Bulletin. The box of fruit you sent came in perfect shape. I know I'm going to enjoy it.
It was 3:30 PM when one of the officers said he had a boat alongside which was going to the recreation island. How about joining the party? It took me two minutes to change shoes and cap and away we went. I had a few beers, picked up some more shells and got back to the ship at 6:00 PM, just in time to eat dinner.
After chow I showered. After getting cleaned up, I dressed and went topside to enjoy a very pretty sunset. Then I went below for a cup of coffee and watch a crap game but they couldn't quite "seduce" me because it was time for our daily visit and here I am.
Last night's movie, Carol Lombard and Robert Montgomery in "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" was old but I couldn't remember having seen it and I enjoyed every moment of it. Tonight's movie is "Nevada" (with a bunch of unknowns) and several short subjects. Guess I'll go anyway.
Time to go now Sweetheart, so good night and pleasant dreams. Love and kisses with a few hugs thrown in.