Saturday, January 22, 2022


 Saturday, 20 October 1945

Dearest Eleanor,
     Another day on Okinawa gone to hell. Slept until eight o'clock this morning and then had some eggs and coffee for breakfast. I had planned to go over to NOB (Naval Operating Base) to file my claim but it began to rain so we postponed our trip till tomorrow morning. It rained and rained all day today so all I did was loaf around and read most of the day. This afternoon I lanced an abscess for one of the boys. Hope I can save the tooth by treating it, but with lack of facilities I probably won't be able to do much.
     Here is the dope on points for discharge. It will take 44 points for me to get out. I now have 42-3/4 points so I'll have 43-1/2 on December first. That means that on December 17 I'll have sufficient points to be a civilian. The way it looks now I should be home sometime around December 1 and will take my leave then. What it actually amounts to is two months pay plus mustering out pay. I'll never be reassigned to any duty when I get back to the United States. Isn't that swell? Just think, I'll be home in about six weeks and for practical purposes home to stay.
     Now here is what I want you to do. Get my blues pressed and ready for me. My cap and white cover, minus the insignia, should be boxed and ready to go. If I arrive in Frisco I'll want you to send the clothes up there for me, so I can have something to wear without buying anything more. Include two white shirts with attached collars, so I won't need to be bothered with cuff links or collar buttons. I'll have shoes, socks and shorts, so you won't need to bother about that. Of course if I land in Long Beach there won't be any problem at all. I'll be able to give you plenty of time to get clothes to me. It'll be ten days to two weeks before I'll have any dope.
     The movie tonight is "Hurricane." We had it on the ship recently. The past typhoon was just as bad as or worse than the blow pictured in the movie, so I won't go. Besides it looks like rain which is the real reason for not going.
     And that is thirty for tonight. Goodnight Darling, I'm beginning to count the days till I see you again.


P.S. Just to make sure I'll repeat the dope about clothes in 2 or 3 letters.

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