Sunday, June 26, 2022
Thursday, June 23, 2022
Operation Magic Carpet--Telegram from Leon
Monday 10 December 1945
Telegram received by Gil's wife Eleanor from her cousin Leon, a Lt. Commander and Navy physician stationed in San Francisco.
1945 DEC 10 PM 6 00
Sunday, June 19, 2022
Okinawa--Hot News!
APA 187 USS Oconto--Operation MAGIC CARPET
Friday, 30 November 1945, 3:30 PM
Dearest Eleanor,More hot news! I checked into the receiving station this morning and I'm going aboard the APA 187 tomorrow at 8:00 AM. I tried to find out when and where we would arrive, but all I could get was "I think." Anyway this ship makes the run in sixteen days and will probably dock at Frisco.
After lunch today I hitch hiked to the ship hoping to find some mail, but no soap. When I got back here I found that someone had left me a couple of letters, one from you and one from Dave. It was probably Pete Leslie who brought them.
I'm too excited to write. Last night, I took some pills for sleeping but it was past 2:00 AM before I finally dozed off. I got up at 6:30 AM, left the camp at 8:00 AM, and got here at 9:00 AM.
So you think I've changed and that I'm cold? My, my are you in for an awakening.
I wrote in last night's letter what I wanted you to have for me when I arrive, but just in case the mail gets fouled up, I'll repeat. See if I have a white cap cover and buy a pair of gold buttons for the gold chin strap on the cap. I'll have everything else I'll need--even rubbers though I'd rather not use them.
Oh heck what's the use I can't think straight now, so I'll sign off. This is probably my last letter so sit tight and do nothing till you hear from me.
APA 187 USS Oconto

Friday, June 17, 2022
Okinawa--Got My Orders
Thursday, 29 November 1945, 3:00 PM
Dearest Eleanor,Here it is. I got my orders at NOB this morning. They are dated December 1, but I took them over to the receiving station anyway and they accepted them. I'm all packed and will check into the receiving station BOQ bright and early tomorrow morning. I'm expecting to get passage on a ship before the weekend is out. Am I excited!
I'll probably be able to write you again before I leave the island. If possible I'll drop you a line when I'm aboard ship and have an idea as to my arrival in the United States and where. However they may give me the rush act and this could be the last time you'd hear from me until I hit the states. In any case my orders read "proceed" which means after I hit the United States, I have four days plus travel time to report for demobilization. I don't know how long it'll take to actually get my discharge, but it shouldn't be over a day.
As for clothing, I have enough to get home in. I have all the insignia for my visor cap except for the pair of gold buttons that hold the gold chin strap. Buy an inexpensive pair for me. Check to see that I have a white cap cover. I have black ties, socks, skivvies, and suspenders, so except for the gold button and cap cover I'm all set.
Hope this afternoon's mail brings me a letter from you. It's been several days since your last one and I'd love to hear from you once more before I shove off.
Toyoko and Toshibo, the two native girls who've been sewing for me, are very unhappy to see me leave. Even though she knew I would be leaving, Toyoko even cried when she watched me pack. These people are very friendly. I guess the Ocelot officers have been very nice to them so they do like us more than the regular officers based here. Leslie took some snaps of them and will send me some prints eventually.
That's all Sweetheart. If you are half as thrilled and excited as I am, you'd better take some phenobarb when you go to bed tonight.
I'll see you in my dreams and soon in my arms.

Saturday, June 11, 2022
Okinawa--Happy Birthday Sweetheart
Wednesday, 28 November 1945
Dearest Eleanor,Happy Birthday Sweetheart. Though I can't be with you on this occasion I'm confident that next month I'll be able to kiss you and wish you a Merry Xmas.
Somehow I lost track of the date, so instead of today being the 27th, it is actually the 28th. Just one day less before the first and the happy news that I'll soon be writing you
Hope my last night's letter made sense. I was feeling lower than usual so I had a few drinks too many. The only good thing about it all was that when I turned in I went right to sleep and slept like a top all night. I haven't been sleeping well for the past week. I have a good mind to take another stiff shot again tonight.
Today has been just a normal day of loafing. I've been reading an awful lot because that's the only way of killing time. Tomorrow a jeep is available so I'll drive down to the ship. Tonight's movie was "Love, Honor, and Goodbye" with Virginia Bruce and Nils Aster. Amusing.
I'm getting what little gear I have ready. I salvaged my Valpak and think I can get everything I'm taking back in that one piece. All I have is: my grey gabardine raincoat, several shirts and trousers, socks, skivvies, the kimono and a pair of black shoes. Oh yes, my toilet kit too.
That's thirty for tonight darling, so "nite, nite" and sleep tight.
P.S. Tell my two darlings (yours too) that their daddy with be home for Xmas.Gil
Another P.S. Here are a couple of Japanese bills, 5 and 10 yen. Did you get the Philippine pesos and the occupation currency I sent you?

Wednesday, June 8, 2022
Okinawa--Medical Alcohol and Coke
Misdated should be Tuesday November 27, 1945
Tuesday, 26 November 1945, 9:00 PM
Dearest Eleanor,Another day closer to that day. Today has been very quiet and uneventful. No mail, no news, no excitement--yes, no nothing.
I spent the day fooling around, reading and killing time. We got hold of a half gallon of medical alcohol. It makes a swell drink with coke and ice. No ice, but a swell drink anyhow. By now you've gathered that I'm slightly high and you're right. I am. We had several shots before chow and then a few beers for chasers. We went to the movie afterward and saw "The Cat and the Canary" with Bob Hope and Paulette Goddard. Now we are back for a few more snorts and then to bed. Anyway I'll sleep better.
There was no mail for me today. That makes three days straight running. By now I hope you've received the claim check and several other letters containing "gook" money and Philippine "Peso" notes.
Goodnight Sweet, even if you can't read this, it isn't important.

Monday, June 6, 2022
Okinawa--Raining? Pouring!
Misdated should be Monday 26 November 1945
Monday 25 November 1945
Dearest Eleanor,What a miserable day! When I awoke this morning, it was raining. Raining? Pouring! And it poured all morning. It let up before noon but by then everything was pretty well soaked. Mud everywhere. Well I had no place to go, so I stayed in my tent and read.
Our native girls came back this morning, cleaned up the tent and did some more sewing. So far they've finished three kimonos and are well on their way on a fourth. We gave them some needles and thread last week. Today they brought Leslie and me each a pair of wooden sandals. They had them made for us at Ishihawa where they live. The kimono and sandals will be for you on Xmas. I do hope you'll like them.
I'm reading Sinclair Lewis' "Dragon Harvest" and think you'd enjoy reading it. Five more days to go and then I'll have a more or less definite date when you may expect me. Can you wait? I'm getting impatient and didn't sleep good last night or on the night before either.
That's the dope for now. Goodnight Sweet, keep everything on ice for a little longer.
The sandals looked like these, but the thong material was red, not blackGil

Girl Working on Kimono

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