Lt. (j.g.) Gilbert Steingart
U.S.S. Ocelot, F.P.O. San Francisco
Saturday 10 February 1945, 7:00 PM
Dearest Eleanor,Saturday 10 February 1945, 7:00 PM
Still busy. Worked all morning and placed twelve fillings and extracted one tooth. This afternoon I completed eight more fillings so I guess I earned my money today.
No mail this morning but this afternoon I got the "Yearbook of Dentistry," the December Esquire, American Dental Association Journal and a package from you containing several Coronets and those party recordings. Because of the slight motion of the ship, two of the recordings at normal speed were scratched and spoiled when the pick-up arm slipped across the face of the records. In the future, any recordings you make should be at 33-1/3. They are much easier to play back without messing them up. Intend playing the good ones tonight after the movies. If the officers like them I may request more.
Remember the letter that disappeared? Well it showed up today. It was a nice note from this Dingey gal thanking me for writing her. It'll probably be Xmas again before I get caught up enough to write her again. I'll enclose her note in tomorrow's letter. It is in my room. I want this to go off in the morning if possible.
Nothing new, different or exciting out here. I've been sunning myself at noon daily and should have a nice tan soon. Tomorrow if nothing comes up I'll go ashore for a little refreshment.
Darling, do you remember how much pleasure we got out of our records and movies on Wednesday nights? I was reading a Radio News magazine and it seems that television is a certainty after the war and the receivers will be a great improvement on pre-war sets. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? OK we'll get one.
The movie tonight is "Sunday Dinner for a Soldier" and hasn't been shown out here yet, so it hasn't been rated. Hope it's good.
That is all for tonight darling. Good night and pleasant dreams. I love you.
Always yours,
P.S. Going up to my room so I'll enclose the above mentioned note.