Wednesday, January 31, 2018

San Diego--Stuffed

Friday afternoon, 4 August 1944
Dearest Eleanor,
    Just had lunch and I'm stuffed to the gills.  The menu consisted of stuffed celery, green and black olives, hard boiled eggs, tuna salad, sliced tomatoes, cream pie and coffee with a fruit punch on the side.  I did make a pig of myself and now I wish I had passed up the hot biscuits.
    Dr. Sayer moved out yesterday and I cleaned up the place a bit and now have oodles of room.  Several of the officers just received promotions and I spent a few minutes examining their mouths to qualify them for this advancement.
    That broken part on the dental chair will be repaired this afternoon.  Then I'll really go to work.
    By the time you get this you should be feeling in the pink so please take good care of yourself and my two little girls.  Daddy misses all three of you and is looking forward to an early reunion.
    Give my best to our mothers (yours and mine), Ruth, Harry, Babs and Dick and give Linda and Norma a big kiss from Daddy.  Always thinking of you.

Insignia from Gil's Navy Hat

Sunday, January 28, 2018

San Diego--The Ship

Monday 31 July 1944
Dearest Eleanor,
     Another busy day doing nothing.  Saw one patient this morning and spent the rest of the day learning about the ship and some of my duties.
     The chow is excellent.  Ate three meals today and that is one too many.  I'll have to really watch myself or I'll put on plenty of weight (and you Dr., who is censoring this letter, will have to take steps to reduce me).
     Saw a movie tonight--"The Canterville Ghost," a most fantastic picture.  I spent most of the afternoon and evening showing some of the doctors, whom I worked with ashore, around the ship. Methinks that practically all would trade with me. 
     I expect to see you tomorrow night and am looking forward to a very pleasant and thrilling evening.  I am hoping, but I can't be sure.  Anyway it won't be long before I see Leon's old haunts and the---? Who knows?
     In a couple of days I intend to begin a survey of the dental health of the crew and that will keep me busy for awhile.
     I still miss you and my two girls and feel that it won't be too long before I will see you all again.
Your loving husband

USS Ocelot

Friday, January 26, 2018

San Diego--Old Hens

Sunday 30 July 1944
Dearest Eleanor
     It is less than 10 hours since I kissed you goodbye and I'm already beginning to miss you.
     The train ride back was very quiet except for the jabbering of a couple of old hens behind me. However in spite of them, I dozed off for a little more than an hour and felt quite refreshed. I came aboard at noon after visiting with the watch officers at the clinic for a few minutes.
     Not a thing to do all afternoon but walk around the ship and visit with some of the officers in the ward room. I did have lunch aboard. A little more salad than the base mess. Steak with French fries, string beans and apple pie a la mode for dessert made up the balance of the meal. It is now almost six and time to eat again but I am not a bit hungry.
     Sweet, I'm afraid that we will be shoving off the same day that you are planning to return to San Diego, so our next meeting will be in the form of a real reunion.
     Kiss my girls Linda and Norma for their Daddy because he is going to miss them and you so much.


The ship--USS Ocelot--1944

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

San Diego--USS Ocelot

Friday 28 July 1944

Lt. (jg) Gilbert Steingart received orders to report for duty on the USS Ocelot (IX-110) as relief to Lieutenant (jg) Baldwin Sayer. He reported to the commanding officer, Captain Samuels.

His daughter Linda was only 5 years old, but remembers the day well. "A dark sedan came to our San Diego apartment. Navy officers wearing blues handed my dad his orders. It felt like there was a death in the family."

Sunday, January 21, 2018

San Diego--Dog Tags

June 1944

Lt. (j.g.)Gilbert Steingart had a tetanus shot. The information on his dog tags:

name--Gilbert Steingart
service number--327933
T for tetanus and date--Inoculated in June 1944
blood type--B
branch of service--United States Navy Reserve

Dog Tags

Saturday, January 20, 2018

San Diego--No Gossip

Wednesday 5 April 1944, 1730
Dear Eleanor,
     Another day is over--another day closer to Saturday night, then Sunday, and then we'll all be together again.
     Went downtown with Gilman last night. Had a couple of drinks and turned in at 10:30 P.M. At noon today I bought a couple of emblems and a box of Nestlé's chocolate. After posting this letter I'm going to play volleyball till it gets dark and then over to B.O.Q. for a little bull session and so to bed.
     Glad to hear that you've got everything straightened out. I'm going to have to get a plumber over Friday afternoon to connect the gas range.
     Nothing new happening here, so no gossip to spill. I said I was going to play ball, but I was wrong. I must go and place my call to you. God alone knows when I'll get through.

Love and kisses to all my girls.
Your daily lover to be,
P.S.  Got a card from Ruth today.
Identification bracelets in sterling silver are $10.40. Priced same downtown last night at $18.50. Do you think Deb really wanted to go that high for a gift for Dave?

Friday, January 19, 2018

San Diego--Shipping

Wednesday 5 April 1944, 1145 o'clock
My Dearest,
    Here I am back at the old grind and I mean grind. I'll sure be glad when those 5 or 6 new officers arrive.  Although they may send out one or two that are already here, this addition will lighten the load considerably.
    As I told you over the phone, the Naval Supply Depot at San Pedro will call you relative to shipping our effects.  Arrange to have the stuff delivered Friday afternoon after 2:00 or 3:00 P.M.
    Last night I went to the U.S.O. they really put on a real show.  One girl in particular imitated Gracie Fields, Shirley Temple (as a child) and "frozen faced" Margaret O'Brien to a "T."
    Guess I'll take a rain check on tonight's show, "Stage Door Canteen."  Have no plans for this evening.  Tomorrow noon I'll run down and look the apartment over and then phone you in the evening.
    Gilman is coming alright so get four tickets for Saturday night.  After the show he's on his own.
    Hope Norma's leaky nose is better by now.  I wish I could get the kids something for Easter.  Maybe I'll find time Friday afternoon to do some shopping.
    It's 12:00 and time for a game of volleyball. Adios, My Sweet.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

San Diego--Gas and Light

Tuesday 4 April 1944, 1800 o'clock
Hello My Sweet,
     One day closer to our new life in San Diego.  This business has got me to the point of becoming absent minded.  I almost forgot to write.
     Went down at noon today and arranged for the gas and light.  I'll have to leave the keys with one of the neighbors because there is no way of telling what time of the day the utility man will be down.
     Saw "Cover Girl" with Rita Hayworth last night and really enjoyed it.  Lots of good singing and dancing routines.  No plans for tonight though we are thinking tentatively of having dinner out.
     How about the house rental?  Anything happen?  I hope you don't have to turn it over to an agent.  It's too much money to give away.  Guess we'll have to do the best we can.
     My corpsman gave me a one way ticket from San Diego to San Francisco.  I'll use it to come home on if no ride turns up.  Nothing has.  You'd better not expect me on Saturday 'til rather late.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

San Diego--Keys

Monday 3 April 1944 19:30
Dear Eleanor,
    Began a game of volleyball after dinner at 5:30 and been playing up to now.
    Went down at noon and paid the rent, got the keys and now I really feel like we have a place down here.  The trip down last night was quite easy.  I may have to take the train down on Saturday.  Nobody seems to be driving down.  However I'll keep my eyes and ears peeled.
    Will arrange for utilities tomorrow and then patiently wait for the weekend.
    Tonight I'm going to the 8 o'clock movie--"Cover Girl." I hope it's good.
    Can hardly wait until we're moved and settled.  Give my girls a big kiss and have one yourself. Impatiently.
Your loving hubby,

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

San Diego--The Flat

Thursday 30 March 1944, 1900 o'clock
    Here I am. Been waiting almost an hour for the call to you to come through.  I'm sure I won't have to wait much longer now.
    At noon today I went down and saw the flat and was pleasantly surprised.  It really will look nice with a few decent sticks stuck around.  The living room is quite large about 12x18.  The kitchen is small but there is room for a refrigerator and stove such as we have at home.  However, I do think we ought to buy one of those four burners just half the size of the one we have now.  I saw one in Sears for $69.50. All the rooms have ceiling lights except the living room so you needn't worry about the light problem. Tomorrow I'll go back to the Supply Depot and find out about storage.
    I really wasn't very excited about this change but now that I've seen the place and its possibility and the prospect of having you and kiddies here with me all together again, I can hardly wait.
    I'm writing in B.O.Q. and Gilman is here to annoy me.
    Forgot to find out what's at the movie, guess I'll walk down and take in the second show if I haven't already seen it.
    I won't seal this letter until after I've talked to you which should be any minute. Until tomorrow.

Linda recalls that the flat had a stove something like this

Monday, January 15, 2018

San Diego--Scuttlebutt

Wednesday 29 March 1944, 1815 o'clock
Hello Honey,
     Just finished a hot game of volleyball and now I'm going back to the B.O.Q. for a quiet evening in.
     Nothing much to say since I wrote but a few hours ago. Rumor still has it that six officers are due to arrive and the Exec thinks we may go on a double shift.  We hope that is true for it will give a fellow enough time during the day to attend to personal matters off the base.  Another rumor is that our whole department is going to move over to Camp Elliot. As far as we're concerned that wouldn't make any difference. However all this is "scuttlebutt" so we'll just have to wait and see.
     Love to my girls and a big XX to you.
Your lover,

Insignia from Gil's Officer's Hat 

Sunday, January 14, 2018

San Diego--Gas Coupons

Wednesday 29 March 1944, 1110 o'clock
Dear Eleanor,
     How are you this morning?  I'm just taking it easy.  Hope it is nice and quiet Saturday, then I'll be able to get away real early.  I'm going to met Deb and Dave in Oceanside and leave the Plymouth there.  Dave is going to drive their car this week.
     Went to the meeting last night and then we had a few drinks.  I really felt like celebrating now that we have a place in Diego. I'm going down at noon today to make a deposit and thus make the cheese more binding.
     We had dinner at the Saddlerock Grill last night instead of the $2.25 dinner at the meeting.  A nice big salad with sliced chicken and salami. After dinner, walking down to the University Club I ran into Dr. and Mrs. Thorpe.  Her folks live here and they sponge on them every times she comes down.  Nice and convenient but I think we'll have a lot more fun as we'll be.
     Nothing much doing here outside of what I've already mentioned.  Don't make too many definite arrangements until we've had a chance to talk things over this weekend. Do you still want reservations at the hotel? Time for chow now. So 'til tomorrow.  
P.S. Get rid of these gas coupons I picked up.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

San Diego--We Have a Place

Tuesday 28 March 1944, 1600
Dear Eleanor,
     Well we should both feel better now that we have a place in San Diego.  I'm going down at noon tomorrow to pay a deposit and find out just "what is cooking." 
     This place has been like a morgue today.  It's been just as quiet as it was when I first reported in.  Scuttlebutt has it that for the next three weeks we'll be taking it easy.  Then the fleet will be back and more work for us.
     Last night I saw "Lady in the Dark." Not bad but not good.  That Lawrence dame has it all over Ginger Rogers.  By the time the censors cut up the script most of the zip of the play is gone.
     Dr. Taylor's wife is coming down to look for a place.  He has all her clothes in his car.  She is coming down tomorrow and he has no place to put her.  The Grant or some similar hotel is too expensive and he's looking.  He'll have to look a long way.
     Tonight I'm going to a study club meeting at the University Club.  Synthetic porcelain is the subject to be handled.  It ought to be interesting and useful because we use a lot of synthetic here.
     Hope you and the kiddies are enjoying the gorgeous summery weather.  It is simply beautiful out today.
     Looking forward to a very pleasant weekend now that your mind at ease regarding our immediate future.
Love and kisses,

Gil in Blues
San Diego

Friday, January 12, 2018

San Diego--We'll Be Together

Monday 27 March 1944, 1445 o'clock
     Well here I am again, tired and mad.  Tired because I worked hard again and mad because Dr. Boutte got surgery instead of me.  Why?  Just because they needed someone who could turn out the filling work and couldn't spare me.
     Had an easy trip back, arriving at 1:20.  Got a good night's sleep and after chow tonight I'll go see "Four Jills in a Jeep."  Hope it's good.  At noon I played volleyball and got a good workout.
     Tomorrow afternoon I'll attend to those chores you listed for me.  Then I'll give you a buzz.
     I'll sure be glad when the next ten to twelve days are gone and we'll all be together again.  We did have a nice weekend and from now on we'll have nice weeks and weekends.
     Nothing else to say.  So say hello to my girls and give them a great big kiss xxx and here are a couple for you too xxx.


Thursday, January 11, 2018

San Diego--Gas Ration Coupons

Thursday 23 March 1944, 1745 o'clock

Dear Eleanor,
     Another day and I really worked.  Put in twenty-four fillings and not all simple either.
     Stayed in last night, even the movie didn't sound interesting.  Tonight I'm going to see "Passage to Marseille" with Humphrey Bogart, Eric Dorn, Peter Lore and?  Hope it's good.
     I'm not going to do anything or make any arrangements about the flat until I've talked things over with you.  I suppose you're all excited now and making all kinds of plans.  Swell, but take it easy and don't make too many plans.
     Here at the clinic there is nothing new.  Six dentists are expected but who knows when?  There is room for five so that means someone is probably going to leave.  It'll probably be Dr. Saks, Dr. Jacobs or Dr. Boutte and then again maybe no one.
     It has really been warm out here and you know how much I like warm weather.  However a nice shower before retiring makes a big difference.  I think I'm still gaining weight, going to have to do something about that.
     I hope you disposed of the gas ration coupons. Don't put too much gas in the Buick but have enough for the weekend.  I'm planning on calling on Oscar V. for a little on Sunday. We'll have to get ahead plenty.  There'll be no place to chisel any gas down here.
     Not much else to say except that I'll try to be home early Saturday and I am looking forward to one hell of a weekend.  I hope you know what I mean.
Kiss my two girls,
You diddle partner

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

San Diego--Response to House Exchange Ad

Tuesday 21 March 1944, 1720
     I phoned the newspaper and found there was one response to our exchange ad. The response reads "I have a three bedroom wooden house centrally located here. Would like an interview with you in regards to your Santa Monica home. Will not be home until Wednesday at 5:00. Call W3718--if interested."  If interested?  And how!  Hope by the time I phone tomorrow night I'll have some good news for you.
     Haven't heard from you this week as yet.  Bet I get two letters tomorrow.  I wrote my Mother and sent her a $10.00 check.
     Nothing new here at the clinic.  I'm working hard but nothing else to talk about.  By now you should be feeling pretty chipper and by the time Friday rolls around we'll both be rarin' to go.
     Goodnight My Sweet until we meet tomorrow

Santa Monica Home

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

England--Letter from Bruce

March 11, 1944
Dear Gil--
     It was a pleasant surprise to receive your letter today.  As you will recall, it was written over a month ago--and God knows when you'll receive this answer--but the reply is being penned with 2 hours of receipt.
     As you see  by the heading, and as you no doubt have heard by this time, I'm quite a distance from Santa Monica.  However the trip here and knocking around a new country has been quite a pleasant experience. The medicine I've practiced so far has been negligible, but I honestly enjoy my work--particularly being out in the field.  I'm with an artillery outfit, so it's not so rugged as the infantry. The men and officers are of a higher caliber than one finds in the infantry, so my associations are rather pleasant.
     I've been to London, and took in Westminster Abbey, Parliament, 10 Downing Street and other such places--as well as being practically knocked down (or up?) by the "Piccadilly Commandos."  Those girls can really walk.  The English countryside is very picturesque, and is, without a doubt, the outstanding feature of England.
     Despite the above pleasantries, our only thought is to get the war over with and go home.  That is the attitude of everyone, regardless of how blood thirsty he may be.  We're all quite optimistic and look for a termination on this side, at least, not too long from now.
     As you probably know, Dave and I had A "misunderstanding" last fall, so I hear of him only by rather circuitous routes.  I assume that he's still stationed near San Diego, so you have a chance to get together fairly often.  Also heard that Leon was back in those parts, so it must be a family reunion.  I honestly intended to write to him, but, in the process of moving, misplaced his address.
     Thanks again for your letter--you have no idea how we welcome mail from home--I would like very much to hear from you again.  My best to Eleanor and the children--and hope your set up continues to be as pleasant as it seems.
Best Regards,