Wednesday 5 April 1944, 1730
Dear Eleanor,Another day is over--another day closer to Saturday night, then Sunday, and then we'll all be together again.
Went downtown with Gilman last night. Had a couple of drinks and turned in at 10:30 P.M. At noon today I bought a couple of emblems and a box of Nestlé's chocolate. After posting this letter I'm going to play volleyball till it gets dark and then over to B.O.Q. for a little bull session and so to bed.
Glad to hear that you've got everything straightened out. I'm going to have to get a plumber over Friday afternoon to connect the gas range.
Nothing new happening here, so no gossip to spill. I said I was going to play ball, but I was wrong. I must go and place my call to you. God alone knows when I'll get through.
Love and kisses to all my girls.
Your daily lover to be,
P.S. Got a card from Ruth today.Identification bracelets in sterling silver are $10.40. Priced same downtown last night at $18.50. Do you think Deb really wanted to go that high for a gift for Dave?

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