Sunday 30 July 1944
Dearest EleanorIt is less than 10 hours since I kissed you goodbye and I'm already beginning to miss you.
The train ride back was very quiet except for the jabbering of a couple of old hens behind me. However in spite of them, I dozed off for a little more than an hour and felt quite refreshed. I came aboard at noon after visiting with the watch officers at the clinic for a few minutes.
Not a thing to do all afternoon but walk around the ship and visit with some of the officers in the ward room. I did have lunch aboard. A little more salad than the base mess. Steak with French fries, string beans and apple pie a la mode for dessert made up the balance of the meal. It is now almost six and time to eat again but I am not a bit hungry.
Sweet, I'm afraid that we will be shoving off the same day that you are planning to return to San Diego, so our next meeting will be in the form of a real reunion.
Kiss my girls Linda and Norma for their Daddy because he is going to miss them and you so much.
The ship--USS Ocelot--1944

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