Lt. (j.g) Steingart and his wife Eleanor were movie fans. They gave their daughters nicknames akin to those in the Our Gang films of the era. Linda "Butch"--nearly bald as a baby and Norma "Stinky"--her diapers.
7 August 1944, At SeaHow are you today? Let's you and "Butch" and "Stinky" and I all get together and go someplace together. Well now let's see, I can't join you but for the next few minutes you can be with me.
As I wrote you yesterday the peaceful Pacific misbehaved a little and continued misbehaving all night long. We had lots of sick men on board and "lots" went overboard too. As far as I'm concerned my appetite couldn't be improved on unless it gets considerably rougher--then who can tell.
However this morning "lady" Pacific was much quieter and by now all should be feeling much better and by now all should be feeling much better. I visited with our navigator and watched him chart our course.
Did you write to Dave about the Plymouth? Don't stall! Get rid of it if he hasn't found a buyer by now.
My office is a mess. There are some pipe lines running through it and some work was done on them. These ship fitters must have been plumbers before they joined the Navy--what a mess. However all is secure now and tomorrow I'll resume work.
Ate the usual breakfast. For dinner we had barbecued spareribs and sauerkraut with the usual salad, coffee, and dessert.
So my darlings, we did have a few moments together. Bye till tomorrow.
Your loving,
Lt (j.g.) G. SteingartDaddy
USS Ocelot 1944

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