Wednesday, February 7, 2018

At Sea--Pitching and Rolling

Sunday 6 August 1944, At Sea
Dearest Eleanor,   
     Another day well on its way.  I awoke this morning with the ship pitching and rolling. Went in for breakfast and all I could get was breakfast cereal, toast, bacon and coffee.  It seems the stove went on the fritz and they were just finishing the repairs.
     Wish I had my camera aboard.  The sea is a beautiful aquamarine blue with white caps crowning the glory of the waves.  It is a little rough and has been since I turned in last night. Aboard there are lots of seasick passengers laying all over the decks. Even some of the crew are not too happy.  
     After breakfast I went down to my office and began work by examining the pharmacist mates aboard and found plenty of work to do.  By that time it was 11:00 o'clock so I retired to my quarters and read a little while.  Thorne Smith's "Glorious Pool" is the book and it is very amusing.  Had dinner at noon.  Salad, fried chicken, and peas.  I passed up the potatoes. For dessert apple pie and cheese and of course coffee. 
     Then I returned to my office and removed an embedded wisdom tooth for my corpsman. It came out so easily that he was surprised and so was I. Working on patients with the deck pitching and rolling underneath you is quite an experience and I'll probably have more before this present tour of duty is over.
     This being Sunday makes no difference when you're at sea--just another day and really it is quite difficult to keep busy.
     Did you hear over the radio where Lloyd's is betting 8-5 that Germany will be out by the end of October?  Just think every day that goes by now means that many days less before we'll all be together again.
     Bye my Sweet and my two little lovelies 'til tomorrow.

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