Thursday, 17 August 1944
Hello Sweetheart,How is my darling today? I did not get any mail on Tuesday when the first batch was brought aboard. I had liberty yesterday from noon until 10:00 PM but did not go until after dinner because of some unexpected chores that came up. I'm glad I didn't leave because I finally got a letter. The underlining of the "a" means just one from you. In addition I got the Pendleton newspaper with Dick's picture in it and the dental bulletin. I guess you didn't think I'd get to my destination so fast and wrote a lot of letters via regular mail. If so I'll probably get a whole batch all at once.
I wish I could tell you where we are going next. In fact I wish I knew or as a matter of fact I wish the navy knew. Now everything is up in the air and we all have our fingers crossed. We had several officers with "scrambled eggs" looking us over contemplating some changes but who can tell.
Went on liberty last night and because we started so late we didn't get much chance to see the city. Maybe we'll have better luck on Friday. We saw the hotel I've named our "beer drinking club" and the beach. It was beautiful. Mr. Hansen was with me and we enjoyed just looking around. We stopped in for a drink, a thick chocolate shake, and a couple of civilians insisted on paying the check. After six o'clock hard liquor and beer are rarities here. They tell me that before six you stand in line for it. Not me.
Well dear I'm glad all is smooth at home and that the kiddies are well.
If you haven't done so yet get Al Klein's address and send it to me "post haste." We may be here for some time and I'd like to look him up.
I hate writing letters and except for our daily visit I'm going to do very little except in response to any I receive. Tell Linda I enjoyed her note to me and that she and Norma and I are going to really have a whopper of a time when I get back. As for you, dear, keep everything on ice and we'll really have unfinished business galore to take care of when I do get back.
Bye my Sweet
Yours as ever
P.S. Just as I was addressing the envelope I got two letters, one from Ruth and one from you, my Sweet.
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