Lt. (j.g.) Gilbert Steingart
U.S.S. Ocelot, F.P.O. San Francisco
Thursday 17 May 1945, 10:30 PM
Dearest Eleanor,Thursday 17 May 1945, 10:30 PM
As usual, had a busy morning planned but three of my patients didn't show up. However I got seven letters from you, one from Libby and one from Ruth. So I had plenty of time to read my mail and enjoy the colored snaps. They really are good--if only Linda hadn't been cut out of two of them. Bet Dave shot the pictures.
This afternoon I spent some time sorting and cleaning the shells. You'll be surprised when you see what I've got.
Then I went up to the captain's cabin to discuss some business. By the time we were through it was 4:30. So I retired to my room, undressed, showered, and then censored some mail. At 5:30 I dressed and went up to dinner.
After dinner until movie time, I played some cribbage with the captain and two other officers. The picture, "Thunderhead Son of Flicka," was fair. By the way last night's "Strange Illusion" was very good. Although it's a murder mystery I'd recommend you see it. It doesn't have the ordinary plot or thrills but the suspense is good and acting splendid. Besides it is a good story.
One of the officers out here whom I have known since January is returning to the states via San Pedro will probably give you a ring. He is Lieutenant Tom Quinn and is a swell chap. If you can arrange to meet him do so.
Now to your letters. They range from the 3rd to 9th of May but none for the 4th, 5th or 8th. So I'll expect more tomorrow.
The Westwood Lodge sounds nice but frankly I think we waste too much time on contacts through the B'nai B'rith. There will be better and wider fields after the war.
Forget about a baggage rack. You won't be able to handle it yourself and the rack will hurt the car's finish. Besides the racks cost as much as sending the stuff by freight.
I saw "Bride By Mistake" some time ago and enjoyed it too. We also had "Three is a Family." I guess we do right well by our movies. There just aren't enough good ones to have every night of the week, week in and week out.
I'm sorry the Sieger party upset you. We always took the kids together and I have many fond memories of their parties. I can close my eyes right now and see the color movies of Linda and Norma eating and playing out in the patio. Next year we'll all go together and we'll have twice as much fun as we ever did--all four of us.
Of course if Trubey calls and can come to dinner have him over. He's a nice chap and you'll like him.
I'm glad you got your Mothers' Day gift and like it. I hope both mothers receive their gifts on time too. I'm sure they will.
I think Ben Bessler does owe $40 or maybe it's $60. Have you looked through all the cards? His record is there somewhere. Get what you can and if there is more due we'll pick it up when I get back.
Mitchell is a colored janitor for the city and works at the library. No use my writing, turn the account over to Posner.
VE day will be celebrated for many years but VJ day is the day I'll celebrate or should I say we'll celebrate because then the war will really be over.
So you really want to know what I eat. Well breakfast consists of juice (orange, pineapple or tomato), figs or prunes and coffee. Of course there are hotcakes and eggs with bacon or spam but I seldom indulge. For lunch we have a salad such as coleslaw, pineapple and prunes, or waldorf. Soup and an entree such as cheese rarebit, spaghetti and meatballs, pot roast, hot turkey sandwich,, hot roast beef or cold cuts and potato salad. We always have potatoes and one cooked vegetable. For dessert we have canned fruit, ice cream (four or five times a week), pie or cake. For dinner we have soup and salad, roast turkey, roast or fried chicken, steak, roast beef and once in a great while lamb or veal roast. Dessert is ice cream, pie, fruit or pudding. I hope you aren't drooling by now but you asked for it.
Well darling, I sure got wound up here but darned if I've said anything worthwhile. So here goes. I do love you dear and miss you more than you'll ever know. However I find talking about it doesn't help much so I try to ignore it though I shouldn't.
No more for now Sweet. It is after eleven so goodnight and pleasant dreams.
Color snaps mentioned
Linda (cut off), Norma, Eleanor
Linda (cut off), Eleanor, Norma
Linda and Norma
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