Wednesday, 14 November 1945, 10:00 PM
Dearest Eleanor,Just another day with nothing new to go on. They've really gone to work stripping the ship, so maybe it'll be ready for decommissioning before long.
The mail brought me two letters from dated the 7th and letters from your mother and Leon. That is one week service and that's pretty good. I have Leon's address. If I hit Frisco when I go back, I may call him. Having a car would help me get squared away and on my way home in one day.
Tonight's movie consisted of three shorts and Chester Morris in "Boston Blackie Booked on Suspicion." Just average but it did kill the evening.
It has gotten pretty cool tonight. It looks like I'll need three blankets to keep warm.
That is the dope for tonight. Goodnight Sweet and keep smiling, it is practically all over but the shouting.
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