Lt. (j.g.) Gilbert Steingart
U.S.S. Ocelot, F.P.O. San Francisco
Tuesday 2 December 1945, 10:15 PM
Dearest Eleanor,Tuesday 2 December 1945, 10:15 PM
Hello darling, here I am again. I forgot to mention in yesterday's letter that when I went ashore I ran into a Dr. Arnerich, who graduated a year before I did. He is on a tender and has been out here for five months. It's twelve years since I last saw him. Yet we recognized each other immediately. Guess we haven't changed much at that. Oh yes, I shaved off my beard but I still have a moustache. If and when I get some film I'll take a picture and send it on.
Today was the usual routine. Worked all morning in my office. After lunch I worked on the welfare and wardroom books. Then I read a little. The book is "Get Thee Behind Me" by Hartzell Spence, and very good indeed. I do believe you'd enjoy it. I censored some mail, showered, and changed for dinner.
After dinner we stood around on deck and enjoyed a most beautiful tropical sunset. Such colors and cloud formations I have never seen. Then I went below deck and tried my hand at some chess. I think I'll read up on it and see what I can do.
The movie we had last night was "When Strangers Marry." I think I misquoted the title but it was just average. However we had a good" March of Time" ("What to do with Post War Germany"), a community sing and a colored cartoon. Tonight we had musical short, "The Show Boat," a fight picture, and the feature ("The Pearl of Death") with Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce--a Sherlock Holmes story. Good entertainment but nothing to rave about.
Still no mail. I'm getting to the point where I don't expect any and just about that time I'll hit the jackpot. I do hope so. I'm anxious to hear from you and to know if you found out what you were looking for.
Darling, who is War Service Chairman for the B'nai B'rith? Please let me know, as I have a request to make of the lodge through him
Do you remember when I was chairman myself and the money we raised every meeting for men overseas? Well after the war we'll see what time will bring. Frankly, I doubt if I'll be too hot on organization work though we may have to indulge in it for a while.
Good night my Sweet, I'm going to hit the rack now and dream of you.
Here is a link to a video of Ulithi Anchorage from the Army Pictorial Service