Lieut. Gilbert Steingart
U.S.S. Ocelot, F.P.O. San Francisco
Tuesday 14 August 1945, 7:15 PM
Dearest Eleanor,Another hot day with plenty of work to make it hotter. I worked all morning. This afternoon I took things easy. The war is still on. At 3:00 PM we heard that Japanese Domei News said the Nips will accept the peace terms of the allies. Maybe tonight we'll get official confirmation. We've had so many false rumors that I don't even get excited anymore.
I don't know how the peace will affect my coming home. Reliefs may be sent out as before or they may be slowed down. Anyway, I would be surprised if we were to wind up in Japan proper before I return home. Of course there are a lot of "ifs" about the whole deal, but I can't discuss it now.
No mail again today so tomorrow should bring a whole sack full. Tonight's movie is "Swingin' on a Rainbow" with several unknowns. Hope it's good.
It is hard to believe that the war is practically over and soon I and many, many others will be returning to wives and sweethearts to begin life where they left off when they donned the uniform. Just think dear, it's quite possible that when I return I might even be released without any additional duty in the states. Dare we hope for such luck? Anyway, we know we'll be together forever without any reservations.
That is all for now my love. I'll see you in my dreams. Goodnight, my Sweet, until tomorrow.
I love you as ever,