Saturday, November 7, 2015

In The Groove

Wednesday 13 September 1944, 5:10 PM
Dearest Eleanor,
     Another buy day working in my office doing what I came into the Navy to do. Dentistry and lots of it. When I came aboard they all said I'd change my tune but I still feel the same way about it. I'd rather keep busy than sit around doing nothing. The time passes more quickly and I keep my fingers "in the groove."
     There has been so much favorable comment about our beach outing that I'm going to plan similar activities whenever possible. Believe me, the training and experience I got in B'nai B'rith and A.Z.A. work is standing me in good stead.
     I've been writing letters for a change. Wrote to the Corsos, Duncans, Libby, Ruth and my mother. Will try to write a couple extra each day and get caught up with my correspondence.
     Got five letters today. Two from you, one from Linda, one from Ruth and one from your mother. I hope by now my letter has reached my mother and her fears about me have been allayed.
     Leon made some pretty good guesses but no one knows for sure. In any case mail will be coming regularly for a while yet. Wherever we go I feel that we'll be as safe as anyone can expect to be in time of war. And, as I told you previously, as far as I've been able to find out sea duty for dental officers usually is for a term of 12 months.
     Well dear, (10:00 PM ran out of ink) so much for small talk. Do you remember the cozy cabin at the Grand Canyon? Well we didn't stay there long, so after this is over in between home and Chicago let's stop there and relive those hours we had together. Since the "well dear" at the beginning of this paragraph, I had supper and saw a movie aboard. "Marine Raiders." This picture is better than what we've had lately.
     Good night my darling. I'm going to be with you in my dreams (I hope). I do love you and miss the fun we could be having together.
Your only,
Lt. (j.g.) G. Steingart
U.S.S. Ocelot
F.P.O. San Francisco

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