Lt. (j.g.) Gilbert Steingart
U.S.S. Ocelot, F.P.O. San Francisco
Saturday 6 January 1945, 9:40 PM
Dearest Eleanor,Saturday 6 January 1945, 9:40 PM
Got another stack of mail today. Six from you, one from my mother thanking me for her Xmas gift and one from Libby thanking me for their gifts. Also I got that comic book and the box of plastic for molding, Now I'll see what I can do. Your mail was marked the 23rd, 26th, 27th, and 28th. Guess I'm just about caught up on all your back letters.
Guess you're curious about Helen Dingey and D.G. If you remember, about four years ago I had a patient who was pregnant when her husband died. Well every year she has remembered me at Xmas. I guess this is the first time I've missed. Will have to drop her a note.
About film, don't send any if you haven't already. The way parcel post takes its time getting out, who knows when it'd reach me. Besides I have an idea we'll be on the move again soon.
I'm glad you saw "Casanova Brown." Now you know why I wanted you to see it.
I did enjoy the pictures of the kids and I'll add them to my pin ups. Got the chains also and got the bum one fixed up. Should have both necklaces ready in a few days and I'll send them on. How about another chain so I can make one for you also. I've got enough matched shells after my last trip ashore. And by the way, these necklaces sold from $12 to $20 in Pearl Harbor and here at the officers' club they sell for as high as $30 so don't let the kids wear them when they're out playing.
Yes dear I do enjoy the clippings and so do several of my shipmates. Keep them coming. How about the date on the pages from U.S. News so we can tell better about the news forecasts.
Our glee club is dead for the time being. Too many other things interfere with rehearsals. However as soon as our routine permits we'll resume for our own amusement.
Don't worry about when you get a hold of me. Wait until I get a hold of you. I hope you can take it! And don't worry about you or me changing. We'll always be as before, a boy and a girl in love even with gray hair and what have you.
About Sol, I thought you said he was a storekeeper. Storekeepers are rated first, second and third class petty officers. There is no such thing as a seamen third class. As a Navy wife you ought to brush up on the grades of enlisted men and ranks of officers.
"Since You Went Away" upset a lot of us too. As I said before, even though it was a good movie it is not a moral builder and shouldn't be shown overseas.
So you never saw a girl with a red tochas, well neither have I but what could I do without a full selection of colors. I'm sending you a menu of our New Year's Dinner. Add it to our collection.
That last poem "This is My Beloved" by Benton was quite torrid and I liked it. Send more please.
Well you finally found out what you wanted to know. My darling wife will always find out what she wants to know, won't she?
The Officers' Wives' Club sounds alright but you know the Santa Monica "Elite" and remember the Women's Club. However use your judgment and it might not hurt to phone Mrs. Gail anyway.
So much for your letters of today. Now aboard the Ocelot everything is serene. We were to have another personnel and ship's inspection but it poured all morning and it was called off. In the meantime I had called off all appointments in anticipation of the inspection so I had nothing to do all morning but read mail.
This afternoon everybody, but me, went fishing--no fish. Guess I'll have to show them how it's done.
Tonight's movie was "Hey Rookie" with Anne Miller and the original soldier cast. In addition there were a few skits stolen from "Meet the People." All in all it didn't come up to the stage show. Do you remember, dear when we saw it? It was at either the Belasco or Morgan and the war seemed so far away. Bet if you were sitting next to me tonight, I'd have enjoyed the show a lot more.
I have some more letters to write so I'll sign off now Sweet. Goodnight.
New Year's Menu
Picture of the Kids
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