Tuesday, 30 October 1945, 8:45 PM
Dearest Eleanor,Another day gone. Another day of waiting. Loafed all morning and then did nothing all afternoon. What a perfect day.
There was no mail today, but I did get your telegram. It was sent on the 16th. Yesterday I got airmail of the 20th. You can see how useless it is to send anything like a telegram to the forward area.
Here are a couple more pictures. Most of the shots of the Ocelot are similar, but save them all.
Here is news. A survey board flew out from Washington to look over the Ocelot. They have recommended that the ship be abandoned so--the word went to Washington and after due consideration (?) the approval will come back. That is the Navy way to do it.
We had a double feature movie tonight but the less said about each feature the better. That is thirty for tonight.
Goodnight Sweetheart and believe my love for you is miles longer than this letter.
Such horseplay is going on tonight. Three of our officers are out playing poker so here is what we've done:
#1--Sawed off one of the legs of one man's cot.#2--Short sheeting the second man's cot. (Ask Dave for explanation)
#3--placed a broom under the sheet in the third cot and a block of wood in the pillow.
Also we've taken the fuses out so they won't be able to turn on the lights when they come in. Stand by for action! A full report will follow tomorrow.

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