Thursday, 25 October 1945, 9:00 PM
Dearest Eleanor,Another day and still nothing happens. You can be sure of one thing about the regular Navy. They'll take their time and do nothing until they absolutely have to. Then it is rush, rush, rush.
I made a trip over to the ship this morning to make sure that the captain sent off my request for a new assignment. Although they promised us all that we'd be sent home, nothing is happening. So I sent a letter to the Bureau informing them that my equipment has been damaged beyond repair and asked for duty in Long Beach. The captain endorsed it recommending approval. Now even if they don't send me back soon, orders from the bureau should get me back home in time for Xmas with you, Sweetheart, and our two little darlings.
I got back my claim for lost clothing and personal gear. It comes to the grand total of $410.85. I won't need to buy any new uniforms because I have blues at home. Even counting what I lost that I could have used later, I'm still $300 ahead. Personally I'd rather not have experienced the second storm but financially I'll benefit from it.
The mailman brought me sixteen letters ranging from the 8th to the 16th. All but four were from you. As I don't expect any more letters for a few days, I'll answer some of your questions tonight and leave some for tomorrow.
I don't blame you for being concerned about office space. I know it is scare. Still, it'll be approximately six weeks before I'm back. I'll be darned if I want to start worrying about an office right away. For thirty days, you and I and the kids are going to be in a holiday routine without worry about business matters. Then I'll go to work and see what's cooking. Make some contact and get some leads. But as far as signing on the dotted line, I'd still rather you didn't unless the opportunity is outstanding.
News of this last storm broke a lot faster than after the one of September 16. I know how worried you must have been, but now you know I'm okay and there is nothing to worry about. Of course there is no way of knowing for sure whether I'll get home sooner or later than I would have if the "Mighty O" had been able to sail. In any case, I'll have enough points by December so I'll be home then.
No dear, I didn't marry a moron, but darling two and two still adds up to four. We have many expenses to face with an office to equip and insurance to pay. Besides at first, my income will be reduced to even less than I'm making now. So an economy program has to be instituted and adhered to. Now, now, don't get excited. Save it all till I get home and then I promise you'll forget all about it. At least I'll do my best to make you do so.
I'm doing quite well on answering your letters, so I'll go through all of them after all. You seem to be getting plenty of teaching and that must keep you busy. You say you'll go to see Dr. Lewis, but all you've done is talk about it. How about scratching off a day on your calendar and taking care of it and yourself. You owe it to yourself, the kids and me too. Catch on? Let's have fun when I get home.
Besides sufficient points, there are other ways of getting out of the Navy such as bad health. However I did not sign up for regulars and there is no record of that questionnaire. When I have points I'll get out like everyone else. Just remember that all those who have gotten out were in longer than I and most of them had as much or more overseas duty than I have. This nonsense about politics is all hooey. Way out here where I am you can't talk to the one you'd like to and letters are not very effective. Anyway when I get home and go on leave I'll be out. Until my leave is up I'll technically still be in the Navy, but I'll not have a new station to report to.
Glad to hear Bud Schurr got back and you got to see him. It really hasn't been so long since I saw him, but so much has happened that it seems like months. It would be nice to see him when I get back.
That Kuba Saki explosion really wiped out the receiving station. We drove by an hour after it happened. Where there had been many tents, there was nothing. The Navy announced fifteen dead. Several times that many were hurt. I can't see how the casualties could have been so small. At the time, Brinker, the pharmacist mate I wrote you about, was at the camp; he has since left for home. Hope he has contacted you by now. If he hasn't, he should in a few days. I just heard that his folks have moved to Beverly Hills and that is just around the corner.
Sorry I didn't sound excited about coming home. So many times we've had our hope up just to be disappointed. I won't believe I'm going home until I'm actually there and even then it'll be hard to believe. Really I haven't complained but the past fifteen months haven't been a picnic.
I didn't get those 10 sen notes, but I intend to get a few to pass out as souvenirs. I had a whole mess of different monies, but they are all gone. I'm enclosing one yen and 50 sen. 15 yen are worth a $1.00 and it takes 100 sen to make 1 yen. This is legal tender on this island. The men are paid in the currency and everything is purchased in the same way. Save the dime's worth of souvenirs until I send on some more. Then you can pass a few out.
That's the works for tonight Dear. Go to sleep and don't worry about me. "Nite" darling.

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