Tuesday, 16 October 1945
Dearest Eleanor,The end of another busy day. Why I was busy I don't know but the day went just the same. I began this morning. by taking a patient over to the CB dental office and extracting an abscessed tooth. Then I returned to my quarters and did my own laundry. After lunch another officer and I took the jeep and went over to the ship. I went through my room and found some gear to bring back with me. I expect to be out altogether in the next few months, so with what I have here and at home I shouldn't have to replace anything.
I had a talk with the captain. He thinks we'll be out of here sometime around November 1. Hope is right, but I wouldn't bank on it.
It rained on and off all afternoon and the roads were real muddy. By the time we got back to our camp I was really dirty, so I took a cold shower to wash off some of that "Okinawa mud."
After dinner we all went to the movies and saw "Junior Miss." I enjoyed the picture enormously and could just see our girls ten years from now and us as well.
Played a little poker, won three dollars and now here I am just ready to go to sleep.
That is thirty for tonight Darling, so goodnight and pleasant dreams.

Mention of the explosion at the receiving station (Kuba Saki) on Owinawa
The blast must have been on Friday October 12

Points for release

Photo Album -- part of the gear brought back from ship

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