U.S.S. OCELOT (IX-110)
c/o Fleet Post Office
San Francisco, California
Sunday 30 September 1945, 9:45 PM
Dearest Eleanor,Sunday, the day of rest. Am I resting! I'm getting so lazy it's even hard to get me to go to eat. No appointments today, no work, no nothing. Loafing, playing checkers, reading and eating make up my day's activities. I did have a 3rd molar abscess to lance and drain at 5:15 this afternoon but I'm sure being overpaid for the amount of work I'm doing.
We were standing by for another typhoon today but she veered off to the south and hit Formosa instead. However even in the bay, the sea was choppy enough that we took all our small boats aboard rather than risk losing them. It was roughest about noon and it has calmed down considerably since then.
By tomorrow everything should be peaceful and quiet once more.
Because of the rough sea we didn't send or receive any mail today. Fortunately we did have an extra movie aboard so we showed it tonight. It was "Once Upon a Time" with Cary Grant, the story about a dancing caterpillar. Anyway old as it was, it did prove worth re-seeing and did help an hour or so pass a little quicker.
After the movie I played some ping pong again and worked up a good sweat. Anyway I cooled off with a nice shower and now here I am.
Not another thing to write about Sweet so I'll say goodnight.
Loving You Always,
Negative of USS Ocelot

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