Lieut. Gilbert Steingart
U.S.S. Ocelot, F.P.O. San Francisco
Tuesday 25 September 1945, 9:35 PM
Dearest Eleanor,How is my Sweet tonight? In good spirits I hope. I am because the same dope holds for today as did yesterday--we are going home soon.
Today was just another routine day with appointments all morning and nothing to do all afternoon. Just reading, cribbage and lounging around in our wardroom.
At 5:00 PM I showered and dressed for dinner. Then the mail came. I got letter of the 10th and 13th from you, a real cute card too, and a letter from Deb with a picture of her pride and joy. What a monkey!
Then after chow we sat around for awhile and then to the movies. The enclosed program is typical of the one put out daily. This movie was very entertaining. If you haven't done so yet, see it. Now here I am.
Again your mail is old so there is nothing to comment on. By now you know that we've worked in both the 3rd and 5th fleet. Here at Okinawa the 7th fleet is in control at present. Since the flag moved off, none of the fleet action or movement effects us. Now we are under Service Force Pacific and have no function to perform. Maybe after we get fixed up on Guam they'll throw in a mess of temporary bunks and let us take several hundred men back to the United States with us.
No more for now Sweet. I know the next few weeks, until we actually get underway, will be trying. But we'll put up with it won't we dear? Goodnight Honey and sweet dreams.

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