Lieut. Gilbert Steingart
U.S.S. Ocelot, F.P.O. San Francisco
Monday 24 September 1945, 11:00 PM
Dearest Eleanor,Hello Sweet, how are you tonight. Myself I'm all hepped up. I'm afraid to tell you this lest you be in for another disappointment, but here goes anyway. Today we had a four striper from maintenance aboard to look us over. He said that they'd fix up the Ocelot well enough to put to sea and send us to Guam. There we'll go into dry dock for further repairs and then back to the United States for decommissioning. Sounds too good to be true, but we'll know for sure in a few days. If this does come off we should hit the Pacific Coast sometime between the 15th to 30th of November and be out of commission not later than December 15. Yes Darling we have every hope of being together for Xmas and forever thereafter.
Otherwise this was just another day aboard the "Mighty O." I had appointments all morning and part of the afternoon. I read awhile, played checkers and after dinner went to the cinema. Tonight's movie was a real oldie but a good one. We had "San Francisco" with Gable, Tracy and Jeanette McDonald.
The mail brought six old pieces marked the 6th and 7th of September. There were two letters, two Tattlers, the Mishkon Tephilo Monitor and a letter from your mother. Nothing to comment on in your letters, but as of now don't send me anything except via air mail. If we do move as planned, regular mail or packages would never catch up with me until we got back. Gosh Sweet, I can hardly believe that we may be homeward bound soon.
No more for now Sweet heart except that "I love you."
Yours forever,

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