Thursday, 15 November 1945, 10:45 PM
Dearest Eleanor,Well here I am again or should I say still. Nothing new, nothing different, nothing definite. Tomorrow I'm going down to the ship to see if I can sell the captain and some other gold braid into sending me home since I'm not doing a damn thing anyway.
Today has been another long, inactive day. I lay around all morning. Just before noon the chaplain from Service Division 104 came over to see me and inquire how we were getting along. Of course we've only been on the beach for five weeks, but suddenly he found time to look us up. When he left he had concluded that we were doing fine. Besides everybody wants to go home so why should we be different.
No mail today so that concludes my report for now. Oh yes I did go to the movies. The picture should not have been released. It was "Penthouse" something or other. Who cares?
Goodnight Sweetheart,
Typhoon Survivors from the Ocelot

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