Wednesday, 28 November 1945
Dearest Eleanor, Happy Birthday Sweetheart. Though I can't be with you on this occasion I'm confident that next month I'll be able to kiss you and wish you a Merry Xmas.
Somehow I lost track of the date, so instead of today being the 27th, it is actually the 28th. Just one day less before the first and the happy news that I'll soon be writing you
Hope my last night's letter made sense. I was feeling lower than usual so I had a few drinks too many. The only good thing about it all was that when I turned in I went right to sleep and slept like a top all night. I haven't been sleeping well for the past week. I have a good mind to take another stiff shot again tonight.
Today has been just a normal day of loafing. I've been reading an awful lot because that's the only way of killing time. Tomorrow a jeep is available so I'll drive down to the ship. Tonight's movie was "Love, Honor, and Goodbye" with Virginia Bruce and Nils Aster. Amusing.
I'm getting what little gear I have ready. I salvaged my Valpak and think I can get everything I'm taking back in that one piece. All I have is: my grey gabardine raincoat, several shirts and trousers, socks, skivvies, the kimono and a pair of black shoes. Oh yes, my toilet kit too.
That's thirty for tonight darling, so "nite, nite" and sleep tight.
P.S. Tell my two darlings (yours too) that their daddy with be home for Xmas.
Another P.S. Here are a couple of Japanese bills, 5 and 10 yen. Did you get the Philippine pesos and the occupation currency I sent you?

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