APA 187 USS Oconto--Operation MAGIC CARPET
Friday, 30 November 1945, 3:30 PM
Dearest Eleanor,More hot news! I checked into the receiving station this morning and I'm going aboard the APA 187 tomorrow at 8:00 AM. I tried to find out when and where we would arrive, but all I could get was "I think." Anyway this ship makes the run in sixteen days and will probably dock at Frisco.
After lunch today I hitch hiked to the ship hoping to find some mail, but no soap. When I got back here I found that someone had left me a couple of letters, one from you and one from Dave. It was probably Pete Leslie who brought them.
I'm too excited to write. Last night, I took some pills for sleeping but it was past 2:00 AM before I finally dozed off. I got up at 6:30 AM, left the camp at 8:00 AM, and got here at 9:00 AM.
So you think I've changed and that I'm cold? My, my are you in for an awakening.
I wrote in last night's letter what I wanted you to have for me when I arrive, but just in case the mail gets fouled up, I'll repeat. See if I have a white cap cover and buy a pair of gold buttons for the gold chin strap on the cap. I'll have everything else I'll need--even rubbers though I'd rather not use them.
Oh heck what's the use I can't think straight now, so I'll sign off. This is probably my last letter so sit tight and do nothing till you hear from me.
APA 187

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