Misdated should be Monday 26 November 1945
Monday 25 November 1945
Dearest Eleanor,What a miserable day! When I awoke this morning, it was raining. Raining? Pouring! And it poured all morning. It let up before noon but by then everything was pretty well soaked. Mud everywhere. Well I had no place to go, so I stayed in my tent and read.
Our native girls came back this morning, cleaned up the tent and did some more sewing. So far they've finished three kimonos and are well on their way on a fourth. We gave them some needles and thread last week. Today they brought Leslie and me each a pair of wooden sandals. They had them made for us at Ishihawa where they live. The kimono and sandals will be for you on Xmas. I do hope you'll like them.
I'm reading Sinclair Lewis' "Dragon Harvest" and think you'd enjoy reading it. Five more days to go and then I'll have a more or less definite date when you may expect me. Can you wait? I'm getting impatient and didn't sleep good last night or on the night before either.
That's the dope for now. Goodnight Sweet, keep everything on ice for a little longer.
The sandals looked like these, but the thong material was red, not blackGil

Girl Working on Kimono

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