Monday, 12 November 1945, 8:00 PM
Dearest Eleanor,Hello again, this is me with nothing new or different to write about. Nothing at all.
This morning we were told to be ready to more to other quarters at 1:00 PM. Then the orders were changed, so here we stay. There is all sorts of scuttlebutt flying around. I should leave this island by December 1, but I'm not planning on anything till I get something more definite to go on. All I'm praying for is to be home by Xmas. I should make it if I get out on the first, but it would be a tight squeeze.
After dinner tonight I went to see the movie, but because of a power failure the show was called off. Now this'll be an extra long evening with nothing to do.
I'll sign off now. Goodnight Sweet, I'll see you in my dreams.
17th CB Theater on Okinawa where the movies were shown.

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