Saturday, 17 November 1945, 8:30 AM
Dearest Eleanor,Good morning Sweet, how is my Darling this morning? Yesterday morning Leslie and I hitch-hiked down to the ship. I talked to the captain and convinced him that he ought to recommend that I be sent home now. We wrote a letter to CNOB explaining that my points would be up next month, that my dental equipment was destroyed and that I have been living ashore since October 9. They won't give me orders right away, but I will have them on December 1. That means I should be home for Xmas. In the mean time, bureau orders may come in and if they do I'll leave sooner. Because of past experiences, I hate to tell you not to write anymore, but once CNOB accepts the request for passage back to the United States for release, it is a certainty that I'll leave. The reason I wanted my blues was that I don't plan on spending any time in San Francisco. I could check in and out of the naval district in on day. If CNOB sends me back, chances are that I'll dock in Southern California and report to the Los Angeles Demobilization Center.
Anyway I did lots of running around yesterday and when it is all via the thumb or legs you get pretty hot and tired. We got back to the camp hungry and dirty. After a hot shower and a few beers we ate chow.
After chow we went to the movies. In addition to the picture "Three Strangers" with Sidney Greenstreet, Geraldine Fitzgerald and Peter Lore, we had a SSO (Special Security Office) stage show which lasted over one hour. The cast of army men must have been top-notch entertainers in civilian life. The movie was very unusual and I enjoyed it a lot.
It was after eleven when we got back from the show. Everyone was tired and sleepy so I didn't bother to write until this morning. You certainly got all your facts mixed up but maybe it's better that way.
I got two letters from you telling me about what you did and said to Patterson. Also I got a letter from your mother and the November Esquire.
That is thirty for now Sweet, these next two weeks will really drag, but then I'll be on my way home. Bye for now.
Captain and Exec
USS Ocelot stern severed by the Nestor

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