Thursday, 29 November 1945, 3:00 PM
Dearest Eleanor,Here it is. I got my orders at NOB this morning. They are dated December 1, but I took them over to the receiving station anyway and they accepted them. I'm all packed and will check into the receiving station BOQ bright and early tomorrow morning. I'm expecting to get passage on a ship before the weekend is out. Am I excited!
I'll probably be able to write you again before I leave the island. If possible I'll drop you a line when I'm aboard ship and have an idea as to my arrival in the United States and where. However they may give me the rush act and this could be the last time you'd hear from me until I hit the states. In any case my orders read "proceed" which means after I hit the United States, I have four days plus travel time to report for demobilization. I don't know how long it'll take to actually get my discharge, but it shouldn't be over a day.
As for clothing, I have enough to get home in. I have all the insignia for my visor cap except for the pair of gold buttons that hold the gold chin strap. Buy an inexpensive pair for me. Check to see that I have a white cap cover. I have black ties, socks, skivvies, and suspenders, so except for the gold button and cap cover I'm all set.
Hope this afternoon's mail brings me a letter from you. It's been several days since your last one and I'd love to hear from you once more before I shove off.
Toyoko and Toshibo, the two native girls who've been sewing for me, are very unhappy to see me leave. Even though she knew I would be leaving, Toyoko even cried when she watched me pack. These people are very friendly. I guess the Ocelot officers have been very nice to them so they do like us more than the regular officers based here. Leslie took some snaps of them and will send me some prints eventually.
That's all Sweetheart. If you are half as thrilled and excited as I am, you'd better take some phenobarb when you go to bed tonight.
I'll see you in my dreams and soon in my arms.

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