Friday, 9 November 1945, 9:35 PM
Dearest Eleanor,It was just a month ago today that the typhoon hit--that day and night I'll long remember. Last night it really rained and today has been overcast. At the moment the wind is howling through the trees and it will be cold enough for two blankets tonight. For my money they ought to give Okinawa back to the Japs and make them all live on it.
Today was just another day to cross off the calendar. This afternoon we did get a stack of mail. I got letters from you dated October 29 and 30 plus a Dental Society Bulletin and a Dental Digest. You are quite concerned about equipment, but I'm not. I'd rather take my time looking around. First, the Los Angeles County Society has been canvassing dentists to find out who would like a returning service man in his office for awhile. The Army and Navy should be releasing some equipment soon. I'd like a crack at that too. Further I've learned with my ten years of experience that equipment can be good without Ritter or SS White tags on the individual units. You might consult with the California Professional Bureau about these different possibilities. Unless they say the case is hopeless don't obligate us for any equipment. A month more or less won't make any difference.
Our exec got bureau orders today. My request went in just a couple of days after his. Maybe I'll get a break and get mine soon and then Xmas will be a happy holiday at the Steingarts. Don't know what to say about the possibility of meeting me in Frisco. It may be terribly crowded. As for myself I'd rather come straight home. We can always go away for a few days and be comfortable doing it. Maybe I'll be lucky and come in at San Pedro. Then we can meet in Long Beach or go somewhere together just the two of us. In any case it is all still "if." We'll have to wait and see.
Tonight's movie was the "Hidden Eye" with Edward Arnold. Another repeat for us from the "Mighty O." The YP238 gang left today so there are only five of our officers left here and six still on the ship.
That is all the dope for tonight. Goodnight Sweetheart I'll see you in my dreams.

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