Lieut. Gilbert Steingart
U.S.S. Ocelot, F.P.O. San Francisco
Friday 24 Aug 1945, 12:15 AM
Dearest Darling,Here is your busy hubby at last. I've been on the go since I woke this morning and I'll sure sleep tonight. To begin with I had a full morning booked and had to move right along to be able to take care of three emergencies that dropped in. After lunch, just as I was getting comfortable in my bunk, I was called to my office again to care for another emergency. However it being Friday and field day I didn't have any work planned for the afternoon so I was through right after the emergency. At three o'clock we (two officers and myself) shoved off to pick up the USO show. It was 5:15 before we were back on the Ocelot. After dinner we got everything squared away and the show went on at 7:30. The name of the show was "Comedy Caravan" and consisted of a male master of ceremonies, a magician, and accordionist. Then there were three women, two young and one about forty. The show was excellent and the men almost brought the overhead (ceiling to a lubber) down over their heads. I was really pleased at the success of the show because the commodore doesn't favor having women aboard. After seeing the morale lifting effect of such entertainment I know he won't object anymore. After the show I brought the entertainers up to the wardroom for coffee and sandwiches. At 10:30 we headed back to the beach. It had been raining but had just cleared up and a nice moon was shining. We really made time. The round trip only took a one and a half hours.
As for mail I really hit the jackpot today. I got five letters and a Parent Magazine from you plus a letter from your mother. Yes the war is over but VJ Day is still a few days away. Until that day and until we actually occupy Japan we are still in a state of war and all wartime restrictions and precautions exist. So----censorship is still in effect and will be until the Navy Dept says otherwise.
Don't worry about me and office space. I'll be in the states and in still in the Navy before I'm finally released. I'll have time to look around. I'll also want to take some refresher courses before I start practice and so there is really no hurry. Of course it would be nice to get tied up with some men of Dr. Lewis' reputation but if nothing works out don't worry.
Deb certainly has had her troubles. I hope that by now she is over her arm infection and stays well for a change. As for Ruth, she always was a selfish person and I hope I won't have to remind you when we are back together again and living our own lives of how she acted towards you. Just to make you feel better dentists are not on the exception list. As soon as the point system is liberalized, which won't be too long, I'll be eligible for release.
The snaps are a wee bit fuzzy but I enjoyed them just the same. I like your new bathing suit or is it a sun-suit? Anyway it looks OK.
Glad you finally heard from the Siegers and hope you and the kids have a swell rest and change. Have a good time. Just think next year we'll be together again doing all those things we enjoy.
I'm not surprised that there were deaths in Los Angeles as a result of the celebration.I wrote you about the celebration out here. I've learned that several men were killed and many were injured on the roads around her.
Yes, I'd be interested in a medical building set up. Find out what you can and let me know. However remember that we can't go in too deep.
My what a long letter. I'm really sleepy. It is ten minutes to one and I'm ready to turn in.
Goodnight Sweet and do have a nice vacation. Until tomorrow with love and kisses to my three sweethearts.
Yours alone
P.S. I missed a good move tonight because I had to take the show back to the beach. We had "Rhapsody in Blue" the story of George Gershwin. Darn.
Bathing Suit or Sun-suit?

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