Lieut. Gilbert Steingart
U.S.S. Ocelot, F.P.O. San Francisco
Monday, 20 August 1945, 9:45 PM
Dearest Eleanor,A real hot day for a change and on top of that I was swamped under with work. It was past 3:30 when I finally called it a day. Then up to my room, off with my clothes and a cold refreshing shower. After that I censored some mail and read a little from "Try and Stop Me." First thing I knew it was 5:30 PM and time to dress and go to chow. After eating we played cribbage and then to the movies. We had an oldie tonight, "The Cowboy and the Lady" with Merle Oberon and Gary Cooper. It was so old it was new. I couldn't remember a scene.
The mailman brought me four letters from you and one from Mary Regan. She was home on leave and now is back in Miami.
Three of the letters were of the 8th and 9th and there is lots of repetition. The other is of the 13th and that is the newsy one.
Sorry to hear Deb is having so much trouble with her breast. Penicillin is a wonderful drug but oral administration is experimental. I guess the doctor knows what he is doing.
I couldn't write the Bureau until I had a year out and now the letter is on its way. In spite of your unfounded hunch, I feel pretty sure of getting the Long Beach area for my next duty.
No I haven't seen Sol. I've checked on his ship but couldn't find it listed. I'll look it up again tomorrow morning.
There isn't any more for now. Goodnight Darling and please be patient. The next few weeks will be difficult and then we'll all know more about what to expect. Goodnight again.

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