Lieut. Gilbert Steingart
U.S.S. Ocelot, F.P.O. San Francisco
Friday 17 August 1945, 10:25 PM
Dearest Eleanor,Nice and cool today. It has been overcast all day and this evening it rained a little. The temperature is down to 87 degrees.
I had quite a busy morning. This afternoon was "field day" so I read all afternoon or should I say most of it. Today, we got a new shipment of library books including "Earth and High Heaven." So now I'll be able to finish the story.
At five o'clock I showered, dressed for dinner and after chow played cribbage until movie time. The picture was "Weekend at the Waldorf" with a whole host of stars. It was good only in spots. Rather slow all in all.
No new dope today. I feel certain a new point system will be announced soon and when it is I'll be eligible for civilian 1st class.
There was no mail again today and there isn't a thing I can think worth writing except that I do love you and miss you and am getting really impatient to go home.
That is all for tonight Sweet so bye and pleasant dreams.
Yours forever,
The Book

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