Lieut. Gilbert Steingart
U.S.S. Ocelot, F.P.O. San Francisco
Thursday 23 August 1945, 10:30 PM
Dearest Eleanor,Another hot day just like yesterday. I had quite a busy morning and early afternoon. I finally got hold of a piano tuner and now our piano is okay. Got a dispatch this morning saying that we could have the USO show tomorrow night. Naturally we accepted. Tomorrow afternoon I'm taking the picket boat to pick up the show. If the advance dope is anything to go on, we've got a swell night's entertainment to look forward to.
A lot more scuttlebutt about where we are going and when has been going around the ship today. However there is nothing definite to go on. Just the same, I'll be glad when we leave. Any place will be better than here.
After chow we played cribbage and then went to the movies. We had a double feature "Three's a Crowd," a murder mystery and Laurel and Hardy in "The Bullfighters." Nuff said.
No mail again today. I suppose mail service will be very poor until the initial occupation of Japan is complete. Anyway the war is over and I feel pretty sure of being a civilian in about six months.
That is thirty for tonight Sweet. Bye for now and pleasant dreams.

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