Lieut. Gilbert Steingart
U.S.S. Ocelot, F.P.O. San Francisco
Wednesday 15 August 1945, 7:10 PM
Dearest Eleanor,Well the war is really over now, the fighting has ceased. All everyone wants to know is when do we go home? There are all kinds of rumors but it'll be a couple of weeks before any plans will be formulated and announced.
As usual I worked this morning and most of the afternoon. Then I loafed and listened to the radio.
At 5:00 P.M. I showered and dressed for chow. After eating we played cribbage. Now here I am.
I got four letters and the book "Lost Island" from Ethyl. Lately I've noticed that your letters are often postmarked two or three days later than the writing date. Three of the letters were postmarked August 6. They were written on the 3rd, 4th and 5th. No wonder I've been missing days!
Gosh it would be fun to take the kids swimming. Maybe I'll be doing it real soon. I don't know why you had to accept cast off of Loretta's clothing for our kids. I hope you won't take anymore.
Our bank balance is way down. Have you paid anything on my life insurance policies or didn't you get any notices? Looks like I'll have to get out and hustle soon or there won't be any surplus left.
I looked up the Time write up about Ulithi. July Fortune also has as article of interest with a picture of the anchorage showing the Ocelot very clearly.
How about Leon? Does he report and ship out or have his orders been changed? If he does go, it will indicate that there won't be any change in tour of duty and I can expect to get back as planned.
You are peeved at a lot of people about how they've treated you. Yet when I get back, I bet you'll forgive and forget. I don't know if that I want you to be. However we'll never feel the same way about a lot of our supposed friends.
Tonight's movie is "Where Do We Go from Here" with Fred McMurray. I hope it's good. That is thirty for tonight so goodnight my Sweet and pleasant dreams.
P.S. Did you take care of the braid for my blue? We might move up to Japan. I'll need the braid there.

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