U.S.S. OCELOT (IX-110)
c/o Fleet Post Office
San Francisco, California
Saturday 15 September 1945, 6:45 PM
Dearest Eleanor,Another dull, uneventful day is gone. I'm really getting on edge. This not knowing what comes tomorrow isn't easy to take but I guess there is nothing to do about it.
There are so many men ashore waiting for transportation back to the United States that they aren't allowing ships to send any more men over. The demobilization problem is tremendous. There is a pitiful lack of transport service back to the United States. Maybe when the admiral moves they'll give us a load and send us on our way.
I did put in a full morning's work but took it easy this afternoon. I read two books, one called "Shore Leave" and the other a historical novel "Gambler's Hundred." Now I'll go back to reading some of the Ellery Queen detective stories you sent me.
There was no mail for me today but after yesterday's haul, how can I complain?
Last night's movie "Patrick the Great" was very good entertainment. See it. Tonight we have "Swing Out Sister" but I don't know a thing about it.
I had intended to write more letters today but didn't get around to it. Maybe I will tomorrow.
In the meantime Sweet, keep your powder dry and be cheerful. There is a guy out here who still loves you and misses you and hopes to be home real soon.
Goodnight Darling and until tomorrow, adios.

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