Lieut. Gilbert Steingart
U.S.S. Ocelot, F.P.O. San Francisco
Saturday 25 August 1945, 10:00 PM
Dearest Eleanor,Hello Darling, here I am again. When I awoke this morning at 7:30 I really felt like sleeping in, but I had a busy morning lined up. No rest for the wicked. Anyway I had a hectic morning and had to work in five extra patients before I was through.
At noon I relaxed in my bunk with another book, "Great Son," by Edna Ferber. I think I'll like it. Back to the old grind at one, but I was all through by two. Then a little visiting here and there around the ship and so the afternoon went. At 5:00 PM I showered and changed for dinner (as usual) and then cribbage (again as usual). My don't I lead an exciting life?
I've got a chit in for a tug tomorrow. A few of us will go off on a jaunt at 12:30. I haven't been off the ship for recreation since last Sunday and I'm ready now.
No mail today. Although after yesterday's haul I didn't expect any. If I don't get busy and write a few letters soon, you'll be my only correspondent. I owe about everyone.
We had a pretty good movie tonight, Eddie Bracken and Veronica Lake in "Out of This World."
That is thirty for tonight. Happy dreams Sweet and please put your cold feet on my back (soon now).

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